Upcoming Changes

Upcoming Changes

Over the past several months, diocesan meetings have produced the following plan for changes at parish and pastorate level to be implemented immediately – June 29.

An accompanying letter by a member of diocesan staff celebrates effusively the Uniting in Heart plan: “While growing pains were felt, the fruits of those changes have transformed our diocese and continues to bring more souls to Christ.”

We refer readers to a post we shared back in August of 2020, regarding the steps that precede the suppression and closure of a parish. See if you can spot the clues to this in the following from the diocese:


West Deanery:

St. Isidore the Farmer Pastorate (St. Joseph, Kentland; St. John the Baptist, Earl Park; St. Mary, Dunnington; Sacred Heart, Fowler; St. Patrick, Oxford; St. Charles, Otterbein):

Immediately reduce from 2 to 1 priest, change weekend Mass schedule from 6 to 3, assign permanent deacon.

North Newton / Jasper County Pastorate (St. Augusta, Lake Village; Sorrowful Mother, Wheatfield; St. Cecilia, Demotte):

Cessation of weekend Masses at St. Augusta, Lake Village

Greater Lafayette:

Review and adjust Mass times for greater Lafayette participation, Central Catholic to receive full-time chaplain, review and adjust weekend and weekday Mass schedules, a shared Sunday evening Mass for greater Lafayette at St. Mary Cathedral.

St. Ann / St. Mary Cathedral:

Reduce from 3 to 2 priests, reduce weekend Masses to 7, review and reduce weekday Mass schedule, Central Catholic chaplain in residence, Chancery / Tribunal to provide some weekday/weekend Mass assistance.

Church of the Blessed Sacrament , West Lafayette:

Will receive sacramental Hispanic Ministry support from St. Boniface.

St. Boniface / St. Lawrence:

Will provide sacramental Hispanic Ministry support to Blessed Sacrament, Hispanic Pastoral Ministry to be covered by parochial vicars of St. Boniface, when reviewing weekend/ weekday Mass schedules, work toward Spanish/bilingual Masses.

St. Thomas Aquinas, West Lafayette:

Review, possibly reduce a weekend Mass.

Central Deanery:

All Saints, Logansport; St. Charles Borromeo, Peru:

Retain 3 priests but share pastoral care (sacraments and ministry) for Hispanic population in the following parishes: St. Joseph, Rochester, St. Joseph, Delphi, Our Lady of the Lakes, Monticello, St. Patrick, Kokomo.

Within one year, St. Charles to have 1 weekend Mass; All Saints becomes center of pastoral ministry.

Pulaski / Fulton County Pastorate (St. Francis Solano, Francesville; St. Joseph, Rochester; St. Joseph, Pulaski; St. Ann, Kewanna; St. Peter, Winamac; St. Ann, Monterey):

Reduce weekend Mass schedule to 3 English, 1 Spanish Mass. St. Joseph, Rochester may require an additional Mass in the summer. Will receive sacramental Hispanic Ministry support from Logansport/Peru pastorate. In the future: position pastorate to become a 1 priest pastorate based on population trends and limited diocesan priest resources.

St. Joseph, Delphi; Our Lady of the Lakes, Monticello; St. Joseph, Reynolds:

Weekend Masses will no longer be offered at St. Joseph, Reynolds. Will receive sacramental Hispanic Ministry support from Logansport/Peru pastorate. Our Lady of the Lakes may require an additional Mass in summer. In the future: position pastorate to become a 1 priest pastorate based on population trends and limited diocesan priest resources.

East Deanery:

Muncie Catholic Pastorate (St. Mary, St. Lawrence, St. Francis of Assisi):

Weekend Mass schedule reduced to 6 English, 1 Spanish Mass. In future: position pastorate to become a 2 priest pastorate based on population trends and limited diocesan priest resources.

Anderson/Alexandria Pastorate (St. Mary, Anderson; St. Ambrose, Anderson, St. Mary, Alexandria):

Reduce from 3 full-time priests to 2 full-time and 1 part-time priests. Reduce weekend Mass schedule from 3 Vigil Masses to 2, 1 in Alxandria and 1 in Anderson.

Jay/Randolph County Pastorate (Holy Trinity, Bryant; Immaculate Conception, Portland; St. Joseph, Winchester; St. Mary, Union City):

Reduce weekend Masses from 7 to 6 (5 English, 1 bilingual), 2 total weekend Masses in Randolph County (1 English, 1 bilingual)

Holy Family, Gas City; St. John the Evangelist, Hartford City; St. Mary, Dunkirk:

Reduce from 4-3 weekend Masses, 1 vigil, 2 Sunday

Sacred Heart, Cicero:

Plans continue for campus relocation.

St. John Vianney, Fishers; Holy Spirit Fishers (East):

In future: pastorate will split when St. John Vianney has reached 1,000 households.

The following pastorates are asked to review and possibly reduce weekend Mass schedules:

St. Louis de Montfort, Fishers; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Carmel; St. Alphonsus Liguori, Zionsville; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Carmel; St. Mary, Frankfort; St. Joseph, Lebanon; OurLady of Grace, Noblesville

The following pastorates have no changes at this time:

St. Francis Xavier, Attica; St. Joseph, Covington; St. John the Baptist, Tipton; St. Joseph, Elwood; St. Paul, Marion; St. Maria Goretti, Westfield; St. Joan of Arc / St. Patrick, Kokomo.

St. Michael the Archangel Pastorate (Sacred Heart, Remington; Sts. Peter and Paul, Goodland; St. Augustine, Renssalaer.) When Sacred Heart reopens it will replace Sts. Peter and Paul Mass time

High School Chaplaincies:

Central Catholic High School will receive a full-time chaplain with residence at St. Ann/St. Mary pastorate; will provide some weekend assistance.

St. Theodore Guerin Catholic High School will have a full-time chaplain with residence at Our Lady of Grace.

253 Replies to “Upcoming Changes”

  1. How does one put up visible, effective resistance to a heterodox priest who has turned populism and appearances into an art form and a happy face for the bishop?

    1. Sounds like an absolutely AMAZING priest! I wish he were at our AMAZING parish. Since the priest transfers, our AMAZING parish has been suffering under the leadership of a rigid, young pastor. From his “sacred silence” nonsense to putting the community bread from the table of plenty into some cross-shaped thing called a “monster” and asking us to worship it, I don’t know if we AMAZING parishioners can take it anymore. Why just this week he emptied a side closet in the church where we used to store our tambourines and is now calling it a “conversational”…or something. If he keeps this up we may have to go back to our AMAZING bishop and remind him once again that WE are the church!

      1. What’s the matter with you? Don’t you know a conversational is a place for synodal dialogue for the people of god. And by the way, my AWESOME priest trumps your AMAZING. And our AWESOME Director of Evangelization, Father Diane, trumps him.

  2. I read the Bishop’s column in the CM. He used phrases; Strong Man Governance, Top Down Dynamic, saying where and when this happens holiness is not served much less reasonable order…..
    what? this is how I experience life in this diocese on multiple levels…..does he realize he is describing our diocese/pastorates?

  3. Today I am free. I asked our pastor if my wife & I are morally obliged to support the Ministries Appeal and/or Uniting in Heart.

    He asked whether I thought I/we had been heard during the UiH planning period. I told him absolutely not…that the Bishop never even acknowledged a letter my wife and I sent.

    My pastor said I’d done a morally good thing: making our opinion known, and even if the Bishop didn’t agree, he should have responded.

    He said we are not morally required to support the Ministries Appeal or UiH.

    He also said that the Bishop’s failure to respond quite possibly indicated he cannot consider anything contrary to his own goals.

    Not a penny to the Ministries Appeal/retreat center, etc. We will support our parish.

    1. Parishes are taxed and the money is funneled into the slush fund and into the St. Joseph’s Dumpster Fire Center. Tithe outside the diocese (there are plenty of worthy religious orders and institutes out there), cut your favorite priest a personal check, or pay for specific parish needs directly without the money getting into the parish’s account. The beast needs to be starved.

      1. How do you know this? Our diocese does not have the mandatory diocesan tax…just FYI. I’d check your facts before posting, there are a lot of assumptions about how parishes are run on this page.

        1. If the annual goal is not met to the diocese, the parish has to come up with the difference. Perhaps not a “tax” and more like extortion.

        2. A tax by any other name is still a tax. Do our parishes have automatic payments to the diocese? How is our goal for the CMA get figured? Just like your income tax….how much do they earn? Rich parishes have higher goals. That is a tax. And how that is figured is not always fair or ethical. I remember how my parish’s goal was figured in 2020. Unethical. I also remember how parishes used to pay their diocesan “fees”. It was done very differently. They paid when they had the money to pay. Suddenly, the parishes had to give bank info to the diocese and payments were sucked down the bank tube to Lingle Avenue whether there was money in the back or not. I am sure there are as many stories as there are parish secretaries. An investigative reporter would have lots of material if a book was written about the changes in this diocese in just the last 6 years, financially and otherwise. There are plenty of people on this website that know exactly what is going on.

    2. Wonder what resources are & will be used to finance your pastor’s health care & retirement?

      Perhaps your pastor is independently wealthy & does not benefit from or use diocesan resources?

      If so, most priests are not in that position & rely on diocesan support for many things.

      Should all priests be “starved” & refuse medical, educational, sabbatical, legal, retirement (& probably much more than I am personally aware of) from the diocese?

      1. No nearly enough. Priest benefits are more likely to be reduced by the Bishop (and his team) instead of increased. Ask your retired priest friends.

  4. Does anyone know something, or can you direct me to a place/ someone to talk to about the current status of accountability (that should be happening???) for Father Ted Dudzinski

    Father Ted Dudzinski: Disregarded abuse allegations about Chuck Jansen (who was payroll employee at time in Kokomo) earlier this year when given to him directly by Jeanne Lausten, Father Ted even had previous knowledge of Jansen’s “ways” because Father Ted was in at least one meeting with Jansen, Taylor Schools & Indiana State Police (ISP) after Jansen resigned from Taylor High School after 18 years in 2011– Father Ted hired Jansen, which put him back around children, and WE KNOW abuse continued. Jansen resigned back in April, but not before meeting Father Ted & Jeanne in Tipton at the retreat center & conference center. Now why would those 3 need to meet up…….

    Now.. the Bishop knows all this. So again… I want to know about the current status of accountability. Where is it? Does it only apply to some? Why are you turning a blind eye? Why is Father Ted not put in his place? YEARS AND YEARS of scandal, abuse, cover-ups… If there is a problem do something about it.
    There should be accountability, and there should be an investigation done by a 3rd party. This investigating within…. a joke.
    This thread mentions this whole mess if you scroll back to May

    1. Fr Ted has been having daily Mass at St Boniface and St Lawrence. Was at Sunday Mass with his brother. Definitely a double standard for priests and VCs.

      1. I believe the word you’re looking for is “clericalism” and it is a disease that has infected many of the ordained. Pope Francis, in a rare broken-clock moment, nails it:

        “Clericalism arises from an elitist and exclusivist vision of vocation, that interprets the ministry received as a power to be exercised rather than as a free and generous service to be given. This leads us to believe that we belong to a group that has all the answers and no longer needs to listen or learn anything. Clericalism is a perversion and is the root of many evils in the Church: we must humbly ask forgiveness for this and above all create the conditions so that it is not repeated.” – Pope Francis at Synod 2018

        1. Fr Mike Schmitz talked about manhood and slacker priests and bully priests and those who are truly are the Face of Christ. The difference? The priest…and bishop… who puts himself at the service of the common priesthood, namely the laity shows us Christ. Look at the bishops we admire. Look at the priests we admire and love. Look at the ones who are bullies. “Do it because I said so!” I pray that our bishop and pertinent pastors examine their leadership and change their bullying.

    2. If there is truth to these allegations, victims need to press charges and lawyers and secular authorities need to do their jobs. If these things do not happen, sadly, you can count on our diocesan leadership to maybe throw a “Promise to Protect, Pledge to Heal” brochure at you before shoveling more cash into the St. Josephs Money-Incinerator Center.

      1. Several have come forward and told their story to law enforcement. HOWEVER, in Indiana the statute of limitations is 5 years, and those that have come forward SO FAR have done so after this length of time. Jansen right now is lucky that this is the law in Indiana, because in other states it is a longer period of time to come forward. There is evidence of misconduct. Keeping this out there is the only way right now to see some justice, and to hold those accountable that played a role in covering up his ways (Dudzinski)

        I pray the law in Indiana changes. I pray all the survivors of abuse in this situation and others see justice on the criminal side one day. I pray that day comes very soon.

        1. Statute of Limitations for Child Molestation in Indiana
          Unlike many other crimes, there is no statute of limitations for child molestation in Indiana. This means that there is no time limit for prosecutors to file criminal charges against an alleged offender. Prior to 2019, the statute of limitations for child molestation was five years after the victim turned 18 or within five years of the commission of the offense, whichever was later. However, the passing of House Bill 1004 eliminated the statute of limitations for child molestation cases, allowing victims more time to process their trauma and the ability to come forward at any time to report their abuse and seek justice.

      2. Can we get an investigation on Horner as well. Ironic his leave was around the same time as the Jansen info came out.

  5. Has your priest announced an 1.) order by bishop Timothy that clergy are to stop leading the St. Michael Prayer after Mass in order to prevent laity from confusing it as being part of the Mass, 2.) that from now on the St Michal Prayer can only be initiated by the laity?

    1. No reason given but our priest announced that the St. Michael Prayer will now be said following the closing song-long after the priest and servers have left the altar. If ever there was a time to pray this powerful prayer, NOW is the time!

      1. The original version as published in the early 1900’s of The Roccolta is even more powerful (and telling of what Pope Leo XIII envisioned that gave him impetus to write it).

    2. It was announced as a change in Kokomo but no reason given nor any mention that it was requested by the bishop. I figured it was our new priests who requested it.

      1. It was also announced in Carmel as well so I would think it’s something from the bishop’s office and not your new priest there.

        1. Why not pray the full Leonine prayers instead, as were instructed by Pope Leo XIII rather than just the Prayer to St Michael (which were coincidentally suppressed during the Second Vatican Counsel)?

    3. A memo banning the St. Michael prayer was sent up from the Lake of Fire to Cupich’s desk some time ago. It was only a matter of time when “lesser” bishops (in every sense of the word) had the same memo forwarded to them. Dutifully, our bishop decided to add to the weight of the millstone being prepared for him.

      I say, let’s refashion the St. Michael Prayer into a hymn and jam it into the mass anyway.

      Come, Lord Jesus.

      1. We don’t need any of that. We have a pastoral plan called Uniting in Heart with glossy brochures and a Vicar General that makes Thomas Cromwell look like Mother Theresa!

      2. Indy capitulated to the LGBT “community” and canceled a talk by a de-transitioned bi-or trans- at Chatard. Dysfunctrional in my book.

    1. If you read the Catholic Moment this week, you would know that our diocese also hosts a similar event in the summer for boys and girls, called CRUX.

      Maybe if we all paid attention to the good in the parishes in our diocese, this website would be shut down. There is a lot of complaining and comparing that goes on here but how many of you are really supporting our priests and parishes?

      1. Supporting our parishes and priests is easy – supporting the bishop and VG who are running the diocese into the ground both spiritually and financially is altogether different and very difficult

    1. Just this week there were two resignations from the chancery staff……

      I’ve heard that a couple others have offers and may leave. Reports are that morale is in the tank due to micromanagement, control and trust issues. There is no culture of progress and no team spirit. Everyone is watching his/her back…..

      1. Correction: Morale is not located in the tank. A more accurate description is that morale is presently located in a jail cell on the 72nd sublevel of a dingy, suffocating basement prison complex. Every September 29th, morale is moved down another darker level until it reaches the very bottom at the 75th level. Upon September 29, 2025 morale will be given a parole hearing in the form a letter from the sleepy prison warden to the Commissioner of the Department of Synodal Synodality in America. The letter will inform the Commissioner that mandatory retirement has arrived for the sleepy warden and that the sleepy warden’s ability to continue until a replacement is found is impossible due to the sleepy warden being bored and fed-up with his charges ever since 2010. The Commissioner will then consult with his staff to verify if the sleepy warden is an actual person and then proceed to spin a roulette wheel circled by names instead of numbers in order to find a replacement. Once a replacement is found, morale will be released and allowed to return to the surface until the replacement is installed. Once the replacement is installed, morale will either be denied parole and returned to the prison complex (though at a higher sublevel) or morale will be granted parole by the replacement and set loose upon the white shores of a far green country under a swift sunrise.

      2. It is not surprising to say the least! Many employees have left the chancery office as well as the pastoral center since Bishop Doherty has been there! Most by choice, some have been “downsized” for some lame excuse while others have felt so intimidated they left. There was no back up from the bishop or Father Ted when presented a complaint, they would just laugh it off and it would go no further!
        I don’t blame parishioners for not supporting the diocesan “annual appeal”! Regardless the parish still has to “cough up” the money from Chisholm collections to meet their goal!
        How many of you ask where the money goes? We know it in part goes to diocesan employees salary.
        A 4 day work week? 8 hours daily or better yet working from home? How many of you would like a job like that?

      3. Under the current “leadership”, (if you want to call it that), you are absolutely correct.
        Under the previous leadership of 26 + years, (also known as Bishop William Higi) it was almost unheard of for a diocesan employee to quit. Why? Because of his leadership, compassion for others, good diocesan fund management from the CFO.
        Spending millions of dollars purchasing the Tipton Retreat Center and refurbishing it under the current bishop was a waste of money and the diocese will NEVER see a return from their investment from functions that are held there.
        During Bishop Higi’s tenure there was an “open door policy” at the chancery. Replies to correspondence were acknowledged and sent. Under the current bishop, Timothy Doherty there is a , “closed door policy” take a number like you do at the DMV or the SS Office, and maybe just maybe in your lifetime you may be acknowledged! Return correspondence from the bishop, not likely to happen. How many of you have attempted to see the bishop or written to him and received a personal letter of reply or were able to speak to him by phone or in person? I realize his time doesn’t permit a lot of the above but ignoring most requests is outrageous!

  6. From my perspective there is nothing uniting in Uniting IN Heart. Quite the contrary regardless of the propaganda we read in the Catholic Moment and the messaging from the Bishop and his “puppet pastors” and the paid chancery and pastorate staff. What UIH needs is Truth, Trust, and Transparency. What is the end game of UIH? I think many of we sheep know the answer to that question.

    1. End game of UIH is to destabilize poorer parishes so they can be consolidated and closed. It is a decline-management program. The end.

      1. Most likely the end game is the Diocese being bankrupt, many parishes closing and most likely are diocese being split up to the Archdiocese and surrounding Diocese.

        1. All the financials including 2022 are online at https://dol-in.org/administration-1 including the very troubling 2018 packet showing how much the Saint Joseph Tipton Center cost the diocese tossing the diocese into huge multi-million losses. In 2018 auditors got involved as Fr. Ted Dudzinski was found to be approving bills and incurring costs without proper approval and over the approved budget. My sources tell me that center, of Fr. Ted Dudzinski, is costing the diocese at least 300k each year as it loses money. That 300k is money we give in CMA each year.

          I can’t see in any of the reports online yet how much this Chuck Jansen mess (another gift from Fr. Ted Dudzinski) will cost the diocese or how much the many past cases have cost in legal fees, payouts, settlements, court costs and the like. More CMA money up in smoke.

          1. Another reason I think refusing to pay to CMA is probably best for the diocese in the long run. The less we make CMA goals, the less wiggle room the diocese has to make mistakes and cover their butts. Bankruptcy would make for lots of crying and gnashing of teeth, but very well may be the only way these chancellory characters will put Jesus first, over the narcissism and clout they’re desperate to cling to.


  7. Saint Boniface & Saint Lawrence Pastorate

    By attending this or any pastorate event, you grant St. Boniface & St. Lawrence permission to use and distribute your image and voice (captured in any media formats) through the pastorate’s various print and online media platforms and within the pastorate’s marketing content.

    •Our online media platforms include but are not limited to social media, email newsletters, the pastorate website, and television signage.

    •Our print media platforms include but are not limited to the bulletin, flyers, and pew cards.

    •Our marketing content includes but is not limited to brochures, social media campaigns, pastorate videos, and third-party news media organizations such as The Catholic Moment.

    1916 Meharry Street, Lafayette IN 47904
    765.742.2107 / 765.742.5063 – http://www.stbstlpastorate.org

    1. Is this standard practice for all parishes or is this stated for this particular pastorate because the pastor and VC are brothers and this pastorate is more likely to be used for publicity?

    2. This is petty in my opinion. There are plenty of things to be upset about in our diocese, but this is not one of them. This is standard practice for just about any event you attend anywhere. If you buy tickets to a concert, fair, bazaar or just about any event this is in the small print on the tickets. They are basically saying if they post a picture or video on Facebook and you and/or your kid is in the background, you can’t sue them. Let’s focus on important things, and not petty things.

      1. Whether the issue is small or large, “petty” or important, it’s all being ignored. Have we had ANY of our questions addressed, let alone answered honestly by the diocese? And even in parishes, pastorates, or whatever lingo is used, some of us don’t even get answers from our missionary pastor about financial matters, which seems wrong. By the way, does being called missionary pastors mean they will be transferred shortly and regularly? Is there reason to hope?

          1. @Anoyoumus don’t get your hope up. Also people think that Archbishop of Indy would do anything remember too Lafayette diocese is right Chicago and Cardinal Cupich can override anything Archbishop Thompson does. I’m afraid nothing going to happen.

        1. The only reason to hope is because Christ has won the victory. Reminding oneself of that from time to time keeps one in the Church despite the best efforts of those fools in operational control of the temporal affairs of the Church routinely giving us every reason to leave. Do not give them or their father below that satisfaction.

          All us laity can do is not feed the beast. Let the pope drown in his errors. Let the many malformed bishops and priests burn through what’s left of the Church’s money through waste and neglect. There is nothing the laity can do but pray, stay in a state of grace, and tithe responsibly (which usually means out-of-diocese). God will bring this madness to an end in His own time.

          And right now, time is the biggest enemy our church leadership has. Sadly they do not see this or they would repent. So pray for them (from our practically irrelevant pope on down to our tired bishop and his compromised VG). The assaults of the enemy that they have endured clearly have taken a heavy, effective toll on them. Still, while they live and breathe and with just a little humility, they could turn things around and be true shepherds. Either way, God’s in charge, just show up.

          Come, Lord Jesus.

        2. Let me ask you this…who have you asked your questions to? Have you just posted them here in hopes that someone would see them and answer them? Or have you respectfully asked for a meeting with your pastor? The financials of a parish are supposed to be shared and transparent, so maybe you just need to ask the right person or rethink how you are asking.

      2. Use of photos of people at public events does not require consent. This is just straightforward public relations. Nothing sinister or untoward about it.

        1. Respectfully, incorrect. Mass is a public event on private property, yes. It is live-streamed. Church events or gatherings, Vacation Bible School are private events on private property. The church should not (cannot) be taking pictures of minors to use in whatever media form they want without written parental consent.
          I wouldn’t go to an area business (store, hair salon, whatever you name here…) if they had this posted on their doors.

  8. On this Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for the sanctification of our priests. Jesus has all of this, knows all that is going on deep within everyone’s hearts. We must trust in Him and his permissible Will. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust in You.

    1. And let’s remember all the craziness may NOT be the will of God at all. He may be no more happy about the current diocesan craziness than we are!

      It can’t be God’s will to bully, coerce and cause misery…the Holy Spirit doesn’t “work” that way.

      1. Yes, the devil is behind the division, but since God allows our free will, He is allowing what is going on. Let us pray that our diocese is purified through all of what is happening here.

  9. I have witnesses that report the Bishop was at the Indianapolis airport this morning. Based on the time and where he was seen, he was likely headed to either Chicago, Newark, Fort Myers, New York or DC. I’m wagering he wouldn’t drive down to Indy from Lafayette to catch a flight to Chicago. I don’t think he’d leave for vacation with all that’s going on. After much (very likely inaccurate) guesswork, is it possible he was called to dc? I’m thinking of the nuncio. With all of the issues that have blown up here, thought I’d contribute that to the cause.

    Again, this is hypothesis. Only empirical information I have is Indy airport, around 10am.

    1. You are very courageous for bringing this to light. What has happened to both of you should not happen to another child. This is a parent’s (and grandparent’s) worst nightmare because all they want to do is protect and care for their kids. The people who were told and did nothing should suffer consequences because this is so bad we can’t have adults abusing children and other adults turning a blinds eye just because that person seems to be popular in a school or the city. This is horrible and base behavior.

  10. My wife and I and a few other “financial types” broke another couple eggs with our Pastor Friday morning. He was good enough to share what happened at the recent Priests’ Convo in Tipton.

    Speaker: presentations ok…subject Catholic rural life. Pastor’s take: ironic just when the diocese is more or less suppressing rural life in Benton/Newton county parishes and other places in the dioceses.

    Fr. Ted: mostly MIA. Attended some talks. Uncharacteristically didn’t say a syllable all week. Our Pastor’s take re the Kokomo scandal. “Fr. Ted has got to go. That no diocesan statement has been made is a scandal.”

    Bishop Doherty: overheard berating a good priest in an area where it was possible to overhear. Commented in another forum that so much information leaks out that “he couldn’t trust the priests of this diocese to keep the Confessional secret!”

    Vicar for Clergy – Fr. Petan: loyal lackey of the Bishop trusted by NONE of the priests.

    Fr. Rothrock: gave an incredible homily at a Mass in which he made an eloquent appeal for honesty.

    Most uplifting moment of the gathering: a priest offered a tribute to a brother priest for his anniversary and “brought the house down.” His toast “did more to strengthen priests fraternity than the diocese has done in the last 10 years.” Our pastor said at his table the discussion was how to make that priest Vicar for Clergy.

    The upshot: we’ve got to support our parishes financially and prayerfully until we “get through this horrible time.” We DON’T have to support the diocesan appeal without any hope the money will be used with “honesty and transparency.”

    My wife and I do not take lightly our responsibility and obligation to support the Church in her Ministry on earth. Bishop Doherty and his lieutenants must RESIGN and soon if there’s to be any hope of recovery in the Diocese of Lafayette.

    1. It time to split the diocese apart if this is true. Sounds like they’re infighting with Bishop and the senior ups vs the clergy. No communication. Sounds like the more dividing the Uniting.

    2. Our “financial types” are picking themselves up off the floor after the costs of the mandated Resultant computer support came in. All I’ve talked with are seeing computer costs go up by 4, 5 and 6 times the previous costs. We can’t keep sustaining this especially with no clear benefit. How can we get relief?

  11. I have heard the following that I would like to corroborate. If any of you know of FACTS and would like to private email me your name will be kept confidential (complete anonymity). You can contact me at CUP@corpuschristiforunityandpeace.org. I would really appreciate a complete and accurate understanding of the FACTS. Here’s what I know to be the case:
    1. The whistleblower of the sex abuse of the children repeatedly tried to contact Bishop Doherty and Doherty would not respond to her calls/emails.
    2. An informant also contacted Fr. Ted D but he did nothing
    3. Out of complete frustration the woman who was attempting to contact Bishop Doherty contacted Archbishop Thompson in Indianapolis who insisted on suspension of Fr. Ted and an investigation

    Since I received this information I went to the diocesan website and noted that Fr. Dudzinski’s contact information now shows the Bishop’s address (and no longer Blessed Sacrament). https://dol-in.org/priests-1. Further, Fr. Dudzinski’s contact information has been removed from the parish contact information at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church.https://www.blessedsacramentwl.org/parish-staff

    I want to make sure people understand the inconsistency of Bishop Doherty. When Fr. DeOreo and Fr. Rothrock were suspended, Bishop Doherty issued public statements immediately and went directly to those parishes and attended ALL of the Masses making a big deal out of their suspensions. Furthermore, the bishop issued a press release to all Indianapolis media outlets when Fr. DeOreo was accused.
    If it is true that Fr. Dudzinski has been suspended, why has there been no similar action?
    Why hasn’t a presser gone out from the diocesan communication office or directly from Bishop Doherty about the Kokomo sex abuse scandal?

    1. Wow, Vicki! You “heard” & then publicly publish a litany of unverified “facts.”
      I would suggest a public forum is the worst possible venue for publishing what you have “heard” & not verified.
      Then you talk about Fr. Ted being “suspended.” This is completely false. He has been actively pastoring & having Mass at Blessed Sacrament- including today.
      Did you read his article in this week’s bulletin?
      Why in the world are you defaming a priest in active ministry?
      At least, Vicki Yamasaki, you publish your own name when publicly publishing libelous statements.
      You are much braver than Red Wolf & obviously prepared to personally defend yourself in a libel suit.

      1. You will notice Frustrated Parishioner that I never stated Fr. Ted was suspended. I said “if he was “. You will also note my opening statement “I have heard the following that I would like to corroborate. If any of you know of FACTS and would like to private email me your name will be kept confidential”

        What then are we to think when on SNAP someone who appears very close to the situation and has intimate details states they reported it to Fr. Ted and he did nothing? This should trouble you as a parishioner as it should all of us. If he is not suspended than why not should be the next question?

      2. If any of this turns out to be true, then it’s going to go real well for those involved to start filing lawsuits against lay people who were trying to figure out what was going on. Whether or not someone suggested Fr. Ted Dudzinski was suspended on a random blog is so much more important than keeping people accountable for CHILDREN BEING HARMED, am I right? You have to be kidding threatening stupid lawsuits at a time like this.

    2. Don’t forget… “Chuck Jansen, a community activist, faith leader and longtime friend to Kokomo Mayor Tyler Moore…” Perhaps this layer is what is contributing to the difference in handling compared to the other two cases noted?

    3. I can’t help but wonder if your informant/whistleblower went to anyone else besides Church leaders.

      The diocesan website makes this a clear option to report to CPS or local authorities:
      If you or someone you know has been a victim of child sexual abuse in the past or present day by someone working in a parish or school for the Roman Catholic Church in the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana (such as religious sister or brother, lay employee, lay volunteer, etc.) you are requested to report the incident in the following manner:

      Make a report to Child Protective Services by calling 800-800-5556 or local law enforcement
      Call our Ethics Hotline 855-375-6796, or go to dioceseoflafayetteinindiana.ethicspoint.com. OR
      Call Jeanne Lausten, Director of Human Resources at 765-269-4604.

      It just seems as if the alleged perpetrator – Chuck Jansen – is not even the focus. Is he even under investigation by any civil or service agencies?

      It also seems as if the victims are not getting the justice they deserve because of all of this finger pointing….

      1. Spirit 12, are you okay with someone hiring a predator into your church? It’s plain and simple. Fact, Mr. Jansen resigned from Taylor due to misconduct with an underage minor. Fact, Fr Ted hired Mr. Jansen several months later. Fact, Fr Ted knew about Jansen’s past when he hired him. Does that clear it up for you?

        1. Just curious as to where you got your facts. If I go by hearsay, I was also told by someone within the Kokomo faith community that it was someone other than the pastor who was informed and that information may or may not have been passed on. My guess and hope is that this is all part of an investigative process, and I truly hope that this has been reported to CPS and the local authorities IF there is so much evidence.

        2. To me the bigger question is, “are you okay with one of our public schools, Taylor, knowing of the abuse and text messages then keeping everything quiet so Mr. Jansen could continue his abuse and deception of future employers for years?” Taylor is the one who will really face lawsuits for not doing what was legally required in informing the authorities over 10 years ago.

          1. @Anonymous I am not ok with any of it. That has been my point. Why aren’t the authorities (Civil, CPS) involved? My hope is that they actually are and that they are gathering information so that something is done. I have repeatedly asked about justice for the victims….

            Again, I am quite familiar with investigative processes and know the type of facts and information that is needed to get something done.

            I am not the enemy – Just a Catholic who loves their faith, who is sickened that those coming forward were manipulated and taken advantage of, and who is just asking questions for the sake of clarity and justice.

          2. @Spirit12 your problem is loving an institution more than you love the Lord your God. The institution is about to help bring a deception on the whole world. You can be prideful to protect that institution, but pride comes before a fall. Please humble yourself in the sight of the Lord (and he will lift you up) or you will follow that deception blindly and willingly.

          3. @ Annonymous… The institution that you refer to is the “Bride of Christ” instituted by Christ to which Peter was given authority through having the keys to the Kingdom and the power to bind and loose sin. Jesus also gave a promise that the, “the Gates of Hell will not prevail over the Church”. It is not the Church that will bring about deception as you believe, but the weak men that lead through her or rather, hide within her. I for one will protect the Church jealously and to the best of my ability because Jesus gave her to us as a means to teach and lead us to Heaven. If Christ protects her, then it is also our responsibility to do the same. That some men chose to to be unwise in how they minister under her mantel will one day be their downfall if they don’t repent. The Church is not to blame for the actions of weak or unfaithful men. The Church is pure and her teachings are sound and righteous and she is protected by the Trinity. I believe this with my whole heart, as you should if you trust the Word of God. Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! declares the Lord.(Jeremiah 23:1)

    4. To Vickie Yamasaki,

      Several years ago were you on the Diocesan Foundation Board? Your name is familiar since I was once connected to the same.

  12. Someone please explain to me why you would be quick to defend anyone in the diocese? Wouldn’t prudence and wisdom call us to wait and see what comes out? It seems like many Catholics are quick to defend clergy out of an abundance of pride.

    My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck.

    1. @Anonymous… Rather judgmental for you to assume to know anything about my (or anyone else’s) relationship with and love for Jesus – for the Father – and for the Holy Spirit. Mt. 7:1-3

      Again, I thought this was a site for discussion, not attacks.

  13. So this guy named Chuck has allegedly committed abuses and, despite being a mentor and teacher, is connected to Catholicism. This is a bad thing.

    At one point the vicar general of this diocese was a direct superior to this same individual. Despite him being a bully and completely unChristian in most aspects of his life, I really don’t think Fr. T. Dudzinski is substantially culpable. Just the reality of things.

    Having read through many of these comments, I think the real issue is less about this Chuck character, and more about the fact that political opponents to the Bishop and/or Fr. Ted seem to disappear or a character assassination is committed at opportune times, right when 610 Lingle Ave benefits the most. Hmm. Many times statements and punitive actions have swiftly taken place in circumstances much less than this one, yet we’re not seeing it here. Even though we’re expected to be simple country folk, we see where this is going. This time is special. It’s not going quickly, as it has in the past.

    It would damage the bishop’s character if it blew up. The writing is on the wall.

    I don’t know much but I do know that the bishop of our diocese is unique in that he is extraordinarily eager to preserve his image. If his image is threatened he will lie, steal, yell, hurt, damage and kill anything in the way of him being a twinkle in the eye of a Cardinal. He would become a heretic if it meant Blaze Cupich would be proud of him.

    I think what we’re upset about isn’t necessarily Fr. Ted’s involvement nor the chancery’s lack of official statement.

    We’re upset because we have a Bishop that doesn’t love, pastor, or lead with a semblance of respect to what God is calling him to. We want leadership. We deserve leadership. A shepherd who leads is something we deserve, and the current Bishop is not cutting it. I know, I know, obedience and the rest but we are called to love Christ and be obedient to Him over even a bishop who, I’m believing more and more everyday, cares much more about the image of Bishop Timothy L. Doherty than Our Lord’s will.

    So, Bishop: stop the pursing of lips, the expectation that we’re incompetent, the constant reminders of how hard your life is when we’re busting our butts to give our hard-earned money to your Biden. Stop the lack of fatherhood – and before you tell me that more intimate ministry is risky – not caring for the people of God is riskier. Stop abusing the priests we love. We know you yank them around like dogs on choker chains but they’ve saved our souls and we have a right to love them more than CMA. Start giving us hope and lead us toward still waters rather toward slavery and contributions toward your agenda.

    Most of all we demand that you start acting like a father that actually cares about us. Right now, it is readily evident, you don’t. You would talk about hard subjects if you did, and we wouldn’t have to worry about the isolation and the disdain and the fear if you were AT ALL in our corners.

    I think Chuck, Fr. Ted or possible cover-ups are tangential. I think our current circumstances point to a deeper issue, Bishop. You don’t really love Jesus and His Church. How are we going to if our leader doesn’t?

    This is my plea. If you can’t handle the basics of not making the lives of your subjects miserable, and you don’t have a desire to change your heart toward repentance, and you can’t find an energetic desire to genuinely be happy and follow Jesus:

    For the sake of all of us. I beg you. RESIGN.

    1. It would appear as if your issue is with Fr. Ted and the Bishop. I thought the purpose of this was to provide a forum for discussion. To start off accusing a priest, who I suspect you don’t really know, of being completely unchristian in most aspects of his life, does not seem like someone willing to logically discuss an issue.

      I am sure the many dying people whom Fr. Ted has visited in the middle of the night and the many other people he has ministered to, while taking on a job that he was assigned, who disagree with the “unchristian” comments.

      Like a few others on here who are willing to discuss this issue, I think it would be helpful to consider a few things.
      1. Where did this all start and who knew what & when? People seem to think they know the answers to these questions, but I suspect they are not relying on facts, but hearsay.
      2. Why is the diocese not making a statement? Again, I suspect that they are following the principle of subsidiarity and allowing the local parish to take the lead, since that is where this allegedly occurred.
      3. Why are Taylor and the local authorities not being held accountable? So many people seem to think these young men came forward after Chuck left Taylor. This was supposedly what the local authorities were waiting for.
      4. Why are we so quick to speak slanderously of the Bishop and Fr. Ted? Not only does it seem slanderous and unchristian, but serves no real purpose.
      5. What is it you are hoping to accomplish? The downfall of the Bishop and Fr. Ted? or Due process and justice for the victims? If due process is followed – and typically with any investigative process, little can be shared with the public, then the truth will come to light and hopefully justice served.
      6. As I read these comments, I can tell many of you are very passionate. Can we use that passion to combine faith and reason – and combine prayers for all, along with practical, peaceful solutions to assist with the process?

        1. And where are the facts that support the slander of calling a priest unchristian in most aspects of his life? It seems you would have to have a lot of facts to support that accusation. And where are the proofs that the Bishop is all of the things that he is accused of on this page? It seems as if a lot of motives are attributed to these two and not a lot of facts.

          I am all for a “forum for reporting, commentary & discussion on issues that impact the faith and life of the Catholic Faithful in our area….” and (a place) “to ask questions and find answers. We invite you to do the same. ”

          Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if a lot of answer searching is occurring, which is truly unfortunate, as many of us like this site professes do “embrace the grave responsibility, conferred on the lay Faithful just as on the ordained, for the care of our faith in our homes, parishes and communities. We love our Faith deeply.” (About The Red Wolf Report page).

          Cited facts would be helpful, as would actual discussion, instead of dismissive comments when someone disagrees with you.

          This could truly be a great site. I find it helpful and informative to read sections such as “The upcoming changes” post, but the comments section could easily be course corrected by the administrator of the page if discussion was encouraged (as the “About” page highlights, and not priest/bishop/diocese bashing.

          1. Well first off, being patronizing like you’ve been isn’t usually a good way to facilitate discussion. I won’t charge you for that generous tip.

            Second, I think I might have a solution to your dilemma. If you want facts rather than opinions, don’t read the comments section. That tip is also my free gift to you.

          2. @GodHelpUs – Not being patronizing, and am reading the comments because I believe this is where the discussion is to occur.

            @Anonymous – Not Fr. Ted, just a member of the laity who loves my faith and am seeking constructive ways to be part of the solution, not increase division within the Church.

          3. The problem for Fr. Ted is that he now has no one in his corner to come to his defense aside from two women in the chancery who are not qualified to be in those jobs and owe their positions to Ted. Anyone who has worked for him knows how he mistreats employees and brother priests. Many in the chancery now can’t bare to work around him just like those in his past parish assignments. And thus everyone is counting the minutes until he is gone. Although his misuse of donated funds at the retreat center probably already killed his ambitions of being a Bishop, this Jansen scandal has “put the nail in that coffin.” But what I hate is the damage that all of these ongoing abuses and scandals is doing to the church and our desire to grow as the faithful.

          4. And how would you know who in the Chancery supports Fr. Ted or not unless you’re an employee yourself? It’s ironic that you say “But what I hate is the damage that all of these ongoing abuses and scandals is doing to the church and our desire to grow as the faithful.” when your remarks on this page cause division and damage to the faith as well.

  14. They perish because they refuse to believe the truth and so be saved.

    If you were deceived by the person Chuck Jansen and are defending Father Ted, I pray for you. I pray the scales would fall from your eyes and you would be more discerning about character and evil motives.

    1. Fr Ted deserves what he has wrought. I only hope he truly pays for his wrongs – it’s a very long list. Not a good man

  15. Also I don’t know who is the administrator of this site is but it time to make username or get ahold of comment facilitator company. Too many people here have the same username on here. Plus you edit out the false statements on here that can not only spiritualy but legally if this website get caught. I get the Diocese and the Church in whole is not prefect but false statement shouldn’t be put and probably should be removed.

    1. How do you know the statements are false? Because false teachers have told you to believe what they say? When Jansen resigned from Taylor, his friends at St. Pat’s said those statements are false too and now we see they were most likely valid.

  16. I know it’s off subject but wonder to know how many people would make a Pilgrimage to see sister wilhelmina lancaster in Missouri. Would be nice a Uncorrupt future cannonised Saint of the church.

    1. They know OF each other, but they certainly weren’t friends. Fr. Ted used to ride around Kokomo with Chuck in a Jeep. In my experience, Fr. Doerr is more interested in being alone with a cigar and theology book than a friendship like that.

      If you have an axe to grind about Fr. Brian Doerr, you’re not going to get very far. I think he’s a much needed mentor in our Church that opposes the superficial hand waving and community Kum-by-yah circles. If you do have an axe to grind, well, I know your type. Boomer that couldn’t conceive of doing anything apart from what you’ve been doing to years, right? Lol.

  17. @ anonymous still the Diocese or Bishop can still make a statement. The pastor of the Kokomo parishes did.

    1. Not only has there been no statement, employees of the parishes, schools, and even chancery offices were never told why Fr. Dudzinski disappeared unannounced, why he reappeared unannounced, or what is going on with all the allegations and horrible news out of Kokomo. This is leadership and communications 101. Silence allows rumors and conjecture to fill the void. Doesn’t the chancery pay big bucks to employee a communications director who has several people reporting to her? I just read in The Catholic Moment that the bishop employs an executive secretary. Can’t she also help prepare some communications? And what about the high dollar attorneys? Why wouldn’t communications, the bishop’s office, and HR work together to let employees and us faithful in the pews know what we can know at this point? We know that at this point the investigation is ongoing and some things can not be communicated or shared but complete silence shows how little the Bishop and those around him know about crisis management, communications, damage control, and leadership. This is awful, just awful!!!!!!

      1. Yes the diocese pays tooo many big bucks to a communications director who does nothing except what Ted tells her. HR is the same – takes $$ to do what Ted says. The executive secretary is a nice lady but this is totally not in her wheelhouse.

        1. I have been told that on top of making a lot of money, the communication director is rarely in the office and at time “works” from her “vacation home office” in Mexico. No doubt she only does what Ted allows.

          1. So in effect, the diocese squandered $9M of our money on the Tipton Retreat failure and NOW a vacation home in Mexico.

            Not one peso to the Catholic Ministries Appeal!

          2. Several chancery employees and recent hires live and work in other states outside Indiana. It is a mess. They fly in once in a while, visit the parishes, tell us what to do, then leave. All making big bucks. We need some transparency on how much our donations pay for such waste.

          3. Wow! I had no idea that nonresidents are holding regular jobs in our diocese. Isn’t that counter to the Catholic principle of subsidiary? I would think there has to be qualified individuals within the diocese capable of holding these positions. All the more reason to withhold funding this mess until it gets sorted out.

          4. About the comment saying that several chancery employees are out of state…are you referring to chancery employees or the consulting group(s) they hired to do work on Uniting in Heart? Just trying to get clarity.

      2. Maybe the Archbishop in Indianapolis should again be contacted. I wonder if he has been updated since he was originally contacted to intervene about the Jansen/Fr. Ted issue. Someone with maturity, leadership skills and a holy instinct needs to help clear up and address all these dirty issues and dirty secrets. We are headed for a real lasting train wreck!

  18. Let us keep in mind our obligation to pray for our pastors and “leadership”–whoever they are.
    Let us also not forget their humanity, and ours. We are all prone to weakness, poor decision-making, and none of us has perfect judgement of another’s true character. Certainly we have clues, but there are a few “expert deceivers” fooling even the wise.
    A few concerns I have about comments here:
    1. “Proof” as noted in an above link does not seem to be actual proof in court or other official documentation. In that case, consider the sources, in particular the SNAP organization. So, no, I don’t accept their statements as “proof.” My experience with their approach is seeing them demonstrate “loudly and harshly” in front of a chancery office (different diocese) before the good bishop had time to notify the press of action taken. No, I don’t trust SNAP statements on their own. Sad for true victims who turn to them for healing, because the basic message comes through to me as vengeance. Serious prayers are necessary for their healing and forgiveness. Their suffering is almost incomprehensible. May they be blessed with tenderness, and loving, listening, and caring hearts, willing to assure them of the Love of God in spite of the Crosses they bear.
    2. Many assumptions in comments on relationships between our Bishop, VG, and an accused perpetrator, and equating association with the accused as approval of his behaviours is utterly out of line with Catholic teaching. Who among us can judge the possible content of their conversations? Not ours to say.
    4. It is possible the VG is himself just as shaken as others about the allegations of abuse by someone from his former parish. It is also possible that the warnings about previous behaviours were understood only as malicious gossip, with no way of proving their validity from former employer. No, I’m not looking to excuse him, but certain laws inhibit verification of such matters unless legal action has been taken. So, let us be cautious in our judgement here.
    5. Someone above mentioned “crickets” in response to a report to the diocese. Very possibly this may be true. I don’t have time to search for the comment, but please, whoever you are, try and try again! Inform your pastor (or Confessor if you wish to remain anonymous) of the difficulties you had/are having. I experienced this myself, but found great help from a priest, actually more than one, locally. No, it has not been easy, but please don’t give up. “God Is Close to the brokenhearted, and those crushed in spirit, He Saves.” PS 34
    6. I hesitate to comment more details since this Red Wolf Report was cited on the S. N. A. P. Website.
    7. God Will Continue His Work In His Church in spite of the unfaithfulness and sins of its members, thanks to the Loving Sacrifice of Jesus, and His Permanent Presence Within us Interceding on our behalf! Lord Have Mercy.

    1. @Wounded Sheep your right the facts are not out yet but like I said it odd that there only a statement from the pastor of the parishes but as of this morning NO OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM THE DIOCESE OF OUR BISHOP. This is why people are looking down and leaving the church because there seem there no leadership from top down. Yes we don’t have the facts but it seem odd that a former teacher got “canned” from a public school just to end up as a Deacon in the Catholic Church.

          1. He is not a deacon in the Catholic Church. He was a lay employee that did horrible things at Taylor HS and continued gross behavior with individuals he groomed at Taylor. He paid these men, that he met when they were 16-18 at Taylor, for years to indulge his sick, masochistic habits.

    2. So to understand, you presume we “critics” aren’t praying for everyone, and that we forget that this leadership presumed we as adults couldn’t worship together during the trumped-up plague and the book should be thrown at Fr. Ted Rothrock and allowed to be thrown at Fr. DeOreo but to trust them this time. I pray that you know in your heart that shutting down the churches and the Diocese’s handling of these two other priests’ situations is wrong and that this time finally like Lucy and the football the Bishop/VG have learned from their past mistakes will handle this with aplomb.

    3. Wounded sheep, you have been deceived by the Bishop, the VG, and the rest of the Lafayette diocese office.

      Mr. Jansen quit more than a month ago. This has been going on for some time and only now you are hearing it. Why hasn’t anything been said in over a month? Why has the VG been missing? Seems odd. You better play catch up quick. This is what happens when you try to cover things up. Eventually the truth comes out. Unfortunately the rest of the good priests and lay people are the ones will suffer.

      1. Thank you Wounded Sheep for your thoughtful, truly Christian perspective, it is refreshing amidst the ugliness.
        I see wild accusations & outright lies & I finally feel compelled to address the few facts I do know.
        I’m a parishioner at Blessed Sacrament & know for a fact the “crickets” comment & “MIA” for 3 weeks is false. Fr Ted was not at Blessed Sacrament for a few weeks (not unusual for any priest for any number of reasons) but it wasn’t 3 weeks & he’s not “missing.” Blessed Sacrament recently hosted Fr Benedict, who spoke on the Eucharist & yes, Fr Ted was there, as well as at other parish functions & Mass.
        I also knew (or thought I knew) Chuck for years & thought he was a great guy & was a friend to so many. I never had an inkling he was involved in such outrageous conduct. I’m still shocked! I pray for his victims & that Chuck gets serious help.
        I also pray just because Chuck was our long time family friend- that me & my family aren’t smeared by any community, & definitely not a Church community, as somehow knowing about or covering up this dark, perverted side of him.
        Fact: Chuck was not a Deacon.
        This situation is sickening & these false statements are lies that are confusing & not helpful- let’s pray- rather than accuse & defame character until there are “facts” proven by evidence & not speculation.

        1. Day 2 of the Diocese or Bishop not giving a statement on the issue. Like I said the Bishop need to be a leader and address this. He is the Shepherd of this Diocese remember that. Also we need to pray for this investigation. Yes it innocence until proven guilty in a court of law but don’t forget if Chuck is proven guilty then justice need to go all alway around. Starting with the top down.

          “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne: steadfast love and faithfulness to before you Psalms 89:14.

        2. Maybe we should be more like Wounded Sheep (I don’t even disagree with him/her really, plenty of valid points). But it also seems likely that Bishop and Fr. Ted have to live in the world they created. What happens in this Diocese if someone else makes a mistake? Are these subordinates treated with love and understanding? Or do they they get criticized, humiliated, subjected to someone’s temper? Told they are a liability & asked if they know how much money they could cost the Church. Have their mental capacity questioned and treatment demanded. And sometimes there are critiques/consequences when someone hasn’t actually done anything wrong, only had it suggested of them. How many of these infractions are as serious as what has now been suggested: as a pastor hiring a (alleged) creeper after (allegedly) being warned about him, and as a Bishop (allegedly) failing to address it? I don’t know if they are guilty of that or not, am not in a position to judge that, but I’m asking: Do different rules now apply? Do Bishop and Father Ted think that they can be strict with others and lenient with themselves–which is the opposite of traditional and scriptural wisdom–without people noticing? Fr. Rothrock, for the lesser offense of ticking off some activists with a poorly-worded metaphor got immediate public suspension posted right on Diocesan website, removed from Seton for good. That is the culture, the rules, the approach others have had to live under. Don’t go changing the rules to kindness and love now that it’s your actions in the spotlight. Consistency.

  19. Let me get this straight, or somewhat try.
    Fr Dudzinski (our VG) was at St. Patrick’s Parish in Kokomo, IN for several years. While there he knowing hired a guy by the name of Chuck Jansen, who had just recently resigned from his teaching job after 18 years because of inappropriate conduct with a student(s) (go look the stuff up… links are in this thread…wow) and now I’m reading how our VG had a jeep he would have the top off and would ride around with this Chuck Jansen around town going to the movies, events, and hanging out together. And now somehow Chuck Jansen resigning from yet another job has our VG name involved and they are not even in the same city. More abuse around Jansen… hello…. you cannot tell me Fr Dudzinski is someone who should be in charge.
    The disappointment continues, BISHOP.

    1. Father Ted was close friends for many years with Chuck Jansen and knowingly hired him. Why is Father Ted in charge of victim’s assistance at the dicocese? That is just wrong.

    2. Don’t forget that Higi was a very close friend and traveling partner with Monsignor Sego who abused at St. Patrick in Kokomo, also with former Fr Ron Voss who was relocated to Haiti after abusing in Indiana. Neither were reported to civil authorize or held accountable under the law. Check out the 1996 Indy Star article ‘Faith Betrayed’ article – very informative.

    3. Don’t forget that Higi was a very close friend and traveling partner with Monsignor Sego who abused at St. Patrick in Kokomo, and also with former Fr Ron Voss who was relocated to Haiti after abusing in Indiana. Neither were reported to civil authorities or held accountable under the law. Check out the 1996 Indy Star article ‘Faith Betrayed’ article – very informative.

  20. Q. You know when I realized the Vicar General would be “saved” by the Bishop no matter what?

    A. When my wife told me she saw them eating together last week at Red Seven in downtown Lafayette.

    Apparently the Bishop supports all the abuse the VG has dished out to women over the years too.

    R E S I G N

    1. Our current Vicar General has come down pretty hard on others…. guilty conscience much??????

      I’m sure the Bishop and VG already have a fall person lined up. The blame will fall to someone other than who it should. Watch out Lafayette diocese HR department….calling it now

    2. Yes, the Bishop must support the VG. Especially, if they are seen out in public out on a lunch date and the VG is back to work after his three week vacation. Tell me this…when will people actually stand up for victims rather than try to cover it all up. No wonder why the Catholic Church has such a bad name. If the Bishop does nothing to the VG, he is also complicit and shall be held accountable!

      1. WhyTEDWhy also notice the priest that replacing Fr Ted at CBS is also a former associate pastor of the Anderson parishes under the Montisngor regime. Something telling me Fr Ted is trying to prove his predecessor at VG that his priest are going to be put to the test.

        1. Is Fr Ted being replaced at CBS? Where is he going?

          Why is it they put victim reporting in the bulletins and then do nothing about it? Why is it that you call the victim advocacy line at the Lafayette Diocese they give the report to Fr Ted and he sweeps it under the rug? But then he takes it out on other priests in a more strict manner. Jackie (victim advocacy) and Jeanie(HR) are helping cover for Fr Ted. The staff is carefully vetted. The dudzinski family has a cult like following. It’s gross. Did we forget that we don’t worship them? They will answer to God.

          1. You are spot on about Ted!! So much is under his rug. I’ve personally had to deal with Jeanne – it’s pathetic how she doesn’t do her job or advocate for employees- she just runs to Ted and bows to his wishes.

        2. Father Shine is a wonderful, caring priest. I will be praying for him as I actually hated to hear that he had been assigned to CBS. Hope he is treated well and not bullied.

  21. The SNAP post is VERY informative about the situation with Chuck Jansen …. Can’t believe they kept him employed as long as they did!! Glad he resigned from his position a few weeks ago… he is a very sick individual

  22. All of us who are cradle Catholics understand authority and obedience.

    But for Bishop Doherty, nothing but renouncing human intellect will do. It’s the classic, “If you don’t agree with me, you’re against me.”

    In other words, he is not a Bishop properly administering his diocese. He is a complete autocrat.

    It is a surprise to me that the turmoil in the Lafayette diocese has been allowed to go on like this. It’s a black eye to the bishops of the state who know what’s going on in Lafayette, and especially to the Archbishop of Indianapolis.

    It is high time the Archbishop confers with the Nuncio so that the unfolding disaster of Bishop Doherty and his Vicar General comes to an end.

  23. In all the announced changes, I saw no mention of Fr. Ted Dudzinski, the Vicar General. It seems odd given he has been MIA for nearly 3 weeks. No one seems to know or be willing to say where he is or what has happened. Apparently he is missing appointments, Masses, meetings and more. Does anyone know the inside scoop?

    1. Well what’s really odd is that when any other priest has to “step away” from active ministry, it’s announced to all the priests.

      In the Vicar General’s case, nothing. Crickets.

      My question is this: is it true as rumored that the Archbishop of Indianapolis had to step in? That Bishop Doherty refused to address whatever needed to be addressed?

      If true, not surprising at all. Shameful but not surprising.

        1. No fan here, but be careful what you wish for—particularly give who currently is claiming the chair at the Vatican and assigns bishops.

    2. Father Ted has been MIA for at least 3 weeks. If you’re paying attention to Kokomo right now… I’ve seen where there was an individual that left abruptly named Chuck Jansen. Are these two connected? Father Ted used to be at St. Patrick’s in Kokomo, right?? Check the SNAP Survivors’ network page for a very informative post. It makes me wonder if the diocese was involved!???
      Something stinks!!

      1. The SNAP post is VERY informative about the situation with Chuck Jansen …. Can’t believe they kept him employed as long as they did!! Glad he resigned from his position a few weeks ago… he is a very sick individual

          1. At St Patrick they had him running the Knights of the Holy Temple and several other ministries that had Jansen in contact with boys of various ages. The who knew what when or why did they not know when others did is explosive in depth and breadth. And who covered up for whom? This is horrible,

          2. Our VG is “very good friends” with Chuck Jansen according to a friend in Kokomo…… birds of a feather flock together is what I think…. He knew years ago and let him around kids. They need to take his job asap if they have not already bc of this crap

          1. Per that article, “Chuck Jansen, a community activist, faith leader and longtime friend to Kokomo Mayor Tyler Moore…”

          2. The City of Kokomo is shocked. Rumors swirled before, but like myself no one could believe them. There was no way. THAT HAS CHANGED. He was playing us all. How disgusting, cruel, and scary. What else don’t we know about him?

          3. Award was presented at a prayer breakfast on January 10, 2022, according to a separate, but similar, article in Kokomo Tribune.

        1. Whatever is going on or has gone on in Kokomo regarding Chuck Jansen and any involvement or knowledge by any priest, the truth must be told to the parishioners! Enough with all the coverup and it’s impact on the community, most especially the children!!

          1. I agree 100% with you! The parishioners need to know! The covering up needs to stop. Take a stand! Stand for something!! If you know of evil our families have been exposed to one would think the church would be the place to make a statement and encourage conversation so that we all can help anyone who may have been a victim. We want the truth. Why are they protecting those that do wrong?! Those are the ones who should be made an example

        2. First we have to remember the American principle of innocent until proven guilty. Social media posts do not equal guilt, criminal acts, or the truth. Second, if the snap post is accurate, then Taylor High School is the real complicit party here. They should have called in authorities rather than letting someone quietly resign with no record. So if true the victims are victims first of Jansen’s and Taylor Schools. Any court would agree. Now we need to see if there have been victims while Jansen has been employed by the Church. That would then expand the scope greatly.

          1. Many different people here at fault. Including the one who hired Jansen a mere few months afterwards his departure at Taylor (Fr Ted). Why hire a predator ?

          2. Taylor DID do something! They took it to the highest authority. Someone paid someone off. It started out as a parent reporting inappropriate texts. Chuck was asked to resign because the texts were not explicit enough for charges. AFTER he resigned, the kids came out of the woodwork with stories! They were too afraid to come forward with him still there. It was then that this evidence was taken to Ted. He THEN HIRED CHUCK at St. Pats! After someone from Taylor took him the evidence. Please know your facts before pointing a finger. Everyone did what they were supposed to do but the Catholic Church!!!

          3. Obviously Taylor Schools did not do all they could and should have, morally or legally. After Jansen resigned and all the boys came forward, Taylor Schools should have submitted it to the police. Had they done that there would have been a record the Church would have then seen before making a hiring decision. Since Taylor remained silent and took no action, Jansen’s record appeared clean and thus any next employer, including the Church, would not have know of the prior abuse. So really the Church is a victim too, of Jansen’s and of Taylor Schools.

      2. I never thought I’d ever ever write this about our diocese, but the bishop will never, can never cut the VG loose. Lies will be told, people thrown under the bus, but the VG will survive.

      3. Dear parishioners,

        The safety and wellbeing of our children and young people are of the utmost importance to me and all of us at Sts. Joan of Arc and Patrick Parishes and School.

        We are aware that misconduct allegations against a former employee were brought forward. This person is no longer employed by our parish, school or the diocese, and an investigation is ongoing. In employment matters, we are unable to speak about a person’s past employments.

        If you or someone you know have been impacted by, or have been made aware of, any misconduct, we encourage you to report the incident in the following manner per existing diocesan policy:
        Make a report to Child Protective Services by calling 800-800-5556 or local law enforcement.
        Call Jackie Montrie M.A., LMFT, LMHC and Victim Assistance Coordinator of the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana at (765) 464-4988.

        We know that this type of news can be upsetting for everyone involved. We are here to support you and your families during this time. If needed, the Victim Assistance Coordinator may recommend counseling resources related to particular reports.

        Please also know I do not have any additional information to share about the allegation or the investigation.

        We all share a commitment to be part of the Church’s mission to respect and protect people of every age. I invite you to pray for the healing that flows from the Holy Spirit for all affected and that effective safeguarding and victim assistance. Know of my prayers for all involved. God bless.

        Fr. Shocklee

      4. I agree. Father Ted was best friends with Chuck Jansen for many years. Maybe this is a blow he had trouble coping with? Or maybe he wants to distance himself from their friendship? In any case, Father Ted should NOT be the supervisor of the victim’s assistance office, where complaints of sexual abuse are made. This is absolutely wrong.

        1. Father Ted Rothrock suspended for telling the truth. Father DeOreo suspended for making sure he isn’t railroaded by the Bishop. How long until the Joe Paterno of this situation is fired?

  24. While I am not a fan of the bishop, as my history of posts here should make evident, I do not necessarily blame His Excellency for reducing the number of Masses given the shortage of priests. I am concerned about eliminating Sunday Masses completely from some parishes, but parishes with many Masses could, and in many cases probably should, consolidate. Eliminating some Saturday Vigil Masses is probably not a bad idea.

    1. The problem is that the Bishop doesn’t know his priests. He was told this at the clergy gathering in January.
      If he doesn’t know his priests and refuses to know them, the assignments can be disastrous in some cases.
      Priests are already discussing the probable disasters.
      But as one priest allegedly said at the January gathering: “We’re nothing but liabilities to you.” That’s why the changes do not bode well.
      Priests of the diocese we’re praying for you!

    2. My question is this… If there are a shortage of priests what plans does the diocese have to improve / increase recruitment? I haven’t heard anything about addressing the declining numbers of recruits to the priesthood. The only comments I ever hear made reflect that there is shortage. Well, if that information is known what’s being done to change course? Statements like the following, ” In the future: position pastorate to become a 1 priest pastorate based on population trends and limited diocesan priest resources.” do not give me much hope that there is plan to address the shortage.

      1. @Joe I argee. The Archdiocese of Indianapolis has a minor seminary and look like God willing they will have a lot of young priests if the future. The conference center would be a prefect use for a minor seminary.

      2. With what I am reading on this page why would anyone want to serve as a priest or at a parish as a lay person?
        Are we not instructed by God Himself on ruining the name of others? I see accusations and rumors but no proof.

        1. There are many on this page, in fact, a lot who care for and support our priests. They hate what has been happening to them. Yes, you are innocent until proven guilty but past actions of some have shown to be less than open and honest. That is the feeling I am getting here. That said I pray for all of the priests in our diocese and the Bishop that they would all follow the path of our Lord and not man.

        2. A true Christian would be as concerned about the victims and how they are treated as they are about the accused clergy, lay leaders.

      3. There wouldn’t be a priest shortage if his excellency would mandate that every parish have Male only Altar Boys. Almost every parish that produces priests has one thing in Common. A good Altar Boy program where not only do they serve together, but they recreate and have fun together. They learn discipline together. They hold each other accountable. That is the biggest way the bishop could drive vocations through the roof, as well as start saying and mandating his priests to say mass properly facing the proper direction (ad orientem), using Latin, using beautiful vestments, using incense, having beautiful sacred music. But hey he won’t and never will. It seems like he is just trying to make it to retirement so he can wash his hands clean of this mess. Just my humble opinion as a young catholic man who they claim they want to hear from.

      1. Exactly! St. Patrick/St. Joan of Arc Kokomo lost 2 out of 3 priests. Guess where one is going? Hint- a Hamilton County Church.

        1. We have had NO stability in Kokomo! Why do we have to suffer so much? We finally get to young priests who are loved by the young and the old and who actually want to BE in Kokomo and what? They’re yanked away from us! Disgusting.

          Bishop Doherty – have mercy on us and RESIGN.

          1. Isn’t it awful when it is announced at Mass of these two WONDERFUL priests being transferred and you leave Mass in tears, knowing that the priest presiding over your funeral Mass will be a complete stranger?! This Bishop and all of those responsible for this scam (Uniting in Heart) will have so much to answer for as they encounter Jesus upon their deaths!

  25. What I find particularly cowardly on the part of the bishop and his diocesan leadership is their unwillingness to close parishes per canonical norms. By telling pastors they can only do so many masses per parish grouping (“pastorate” is not a word), they’re throwing the pastor under the bus with his people as some parishes just don’t get mass anymore and are quasi-closed. The pastor does not close parishes, the bishop does. Period. That the bishop would dodge his canonical duties and use his pastors as human shields from an angry mob of mostly grandmothers who are angry that their beloved parish is dead really tells you all you need to know about the character of the “man” that is our bishop.

      1. WHAT IF we all take a pause from the judgments that we all know better on how to run our parishes and the diocese…..that we pause the anti Vatican II statements and the criticisms of our leaders. Yes, granted, much was done badly. Our lives are full of things we have done badly. But what if we take a pause and pray for our diocese and ask for kinder hearts so that we give room for the Holy Spirit to work to make us all better disciples, from the Bishop down to every person in the pews to the person who needs to see not acrimony but love and charity. What if…….

        1. Sorry. Can’t pause from the anti-Vatican II statements as too many souls have already gone to Hell because of that debacle.

          Personally, I do pray for our bishop and clergy to repent as necessary and to guide their flocks into the Beatific Vision, and for our pope and all the bishops to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as God instructed through Our Lady of Fatima to Sr. Lucia to the pope—which has yet to be done fully as instructed.

        2. “much was done badly” ?!?!? How about the worst part of “much was done badly” – namely that at every turn the Bishop has refused to take the advice of the ones leading the parishes – his priests?
          How about his priests telling him directly that their morale has never been worse?
          And yet, the terrible decisions go on as if he’s heard nothing.
          The biggest “much was done badly” is that he has not been a shepherd to his priests.
          He should resign.

  26. We all can acknowledge the priest shortage. But, instead of acknowledging the priest shortage and giving a priest an individual parish, we are going to shuffle them everywhere to “lighten their load”. So, if you’re a priest at the St. Boniface/St. Lawrence Pastorate, you may say Mass at St. Lawrence and St. Boniface because those are your parishes. But sometimes you may be ministering to the Hispanic population at Blessed Sacrament. Oh, by the way, you’re also on rotation for saying Mass on Sunday evenings at St. Mary’s.

    I’m confused as to how that’s better than just, assigning a priest to his own parish as is normal? Acknowledging that he’s overworked, but simply keeping him in the same building with the same schedule to serve the same people. No sane working person would apply for a paid job with the schedules that our priests now have…no consistency. It’s constantly changing where they’re saying Mass. How are they supposed to save souls if they are unable to form relationships with the very souls they are supposed to be saving?

    I know that some of the priests of the smaller pastorates have a little more consistency which is a little better.

    I’m also confused as to why the diocese needs to tell our priests where to reduce Masses…Give the priest his own parish(s) again and he’s fully capable of evaluating that himself with his people. And he could propose his plan to the diocese for final approval. I’m in full support of more Spanish Masses/Hispanic ministry, I think there’s a better way to organize it.

    Regarding St. Joseph in Reynolds, I’m so sad for the people of that parish:( I wish there was a way to invite a retired priest to just live at and minister in a smaller country church…one Mass a weekend. They get their rectory (home maintenance) covered and offer Mass and confessions once/week. The bigger sacraments like First Communions and marriages, the parishioners could go to the central pastorate church for the preparation and/or the actual sacrament so the retired priest wouldn’t have too much to take on.

    Pray for our priests!

    1. Let’s all be honest. This is all about control. The bishop’s primary concern, first and foremost, is his authority as bishop. He does not care about his priests – they are merely widgets that are to be used at his discretion and once they are burned out, he complains that they didn’t really provide all that much. This whole program has been a complete disaster. And, similar to his brother bishops, even though he makes all the decisions and calls all the shots, when things go wrong it is never his responsibility. There was no need for UIH. Smaller parishes should have been closed or reduced and thriving parishes and their pastors should have been left alone.

      1. But you HAVE to add in the arrogance and culpability of his VG who has lead the way in being cruel to priests, employees and the faithful

    2. The Bishop and powers that be do not want us to get to know our priests. They seem to enjoy spreading them from church to church with no real connection to the people. Heaven forbid they would get to know the ones they are ministering to and their people get to know them. I personally am tired of this. A person should have some connection to their priests. My friends many of which are Protestants all have a pastor who gets to stay in one place and knows them. There is little use to think either that the church will be built back up the immigrant population. Many after they came here have been frustrated with the Catholic church also and moved to other churches outside the faith. I have also been considering leaving away from this program of little heart and no soul. God Bless you Bishop.

      1. @Anon there is a reason why a priest moves. I think it for more different messages for the mass. But I’m going to give an example. Look at Chicago and specially St.Sabina. Father(a use the term loosely on this one)Michael Pfeiger has been their pastor for over 40 years. He doesn’t follow any Roman missal make up his mass and his idiogy make his parishioners do stuff like protest even him being remove.

        1. What I am addressing is where every week there is a different priest at Mass or confession when you have more than one. They could at least keep one priest for a month in the same spot. I have talked to some priests and they do not like it either.

  27. So, the chaos and division in our parishes will continue. Very, very unfortunate for us all, Shepards and sheep. The toxic uniting in heart continues. So very frustrating and infuriating.

    1. Yes, everything is going according to plan: Destabilize, Consolidate, and Close are the real buzzwords behind “Uniting in Heart”. Now that we’ve finally hit the “close” phase of the plan, from now on anything good that comes from this mess is simply God’s Grace working in direct opposition to the stupid machinations of the faithless shepherds and their hirelings that are running this diabolical decline-management plan.

      Their time is short, though; Very short. Our worn-out diocesan leadership will likely be switching to CYA-mode very soon as they blame covid, the economy, the russians, and the Easter Bunny for all the plan’s failures. Then, they’ll sail off to other jobs or into comfortable retirement thinking how very clever they were. God, of course, will render a different verdict at their individual judgments…

      Pray for their conversions!

      “…Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” – Luke 12:48

  28. I think the change that really needs done I think is all the diocese need to be realigned. I think the Diocese of Gary is not really much a big diocese and I think with them merging with Lafayette probably be better. DoL could give some of the “doughnut “ counties to the Archdiocese Of Indianapolis and then Muncie Rensselaer and points east to Diocese of Ft.Wayne South Bend. I know it wishful thinking but could even out and even be better for Catholics of Indiana.

    1. Are you aware of the complexity of what you suggesting? Are you aware of the rumors that swirled at the end of Bishop Higi’s term, that we were going to be split between Indpls and South Bend Fort Wayne? Are you aware of what this would do to priests who would now be priests in another diocese? Have you read about the diocese of Steubenville and the suggestion that they become part of Columbus and how their priests and people are upset?

      1. @Justwondering I know that plan would upset a lot but that might be DOL plan for the future if this continues. Like I said I doubt Diocese of Gary is a big diocese and I’m surprised there cathedral is still in Gary but I know there smaller than DoL and the current ratio of priest right now this might be the next step for Catholic diocese in the future.

          1. @ Anonymous can you show sources on the information. I thought DoL would be bigger because of Hamiliton and Boone County but could be wrong.

  29. Why does no one mentioned the upheaval of the sexual revolution that raised its ugly head in the 60s and continues to this day? Catholics contracepted like the Protestants did. Fewer children equals fewer Catholics today. Fewer Catholics in the pews. Fewer young people today are getting married. This results in fewer children. Fewer children equals fewer priests. We have a crisis of practicing Catholics which results in fewer priests. Certainly there are more factors at stake, but this problem has been apparent as far back as Bishop Higi’s days when the diocese was wrestling what to do when this time came. The blame rests not at Lingle Avenue, it rests with all of us. Our numbers have dwindled. If the Hispanics were not here, where would we be as far as numbers and empty churches? It’s a terribly complicated issue and no one is ever going to agree on any solution. Instead of being so critical, pray for the men who have to make hard decisions. Love is the answer, always. And children. Pray for holy marriages and the fruit of children. Families are part of the solution.

    1. You’re describing the fruits of the Second Vatican Council. Go to any TLM and you’ll see intact families teaming with children. We, the laity, who bought into the changes were duped by those that infiltrated the Church’s episcopate leading up to and through the Council. A return to tradition can reverse this modernist mess, but people will have to humble themselves to see it which is increasingly unlikely due to pervasive sinful pride at all levels.

    2. People also leaving in droves after seeing all the priest abuse of little boys (and some little girls, adult women, employees, and disadvantaged/incapacitated people) and then the bishops trying to hide and cover up the abuse. Not to mentioned the millions in our donations being paid to the victims and lawyers. Even in our diocese we lost several priests due to sexual sins in the last few years. Who wants to be part of all that?

      1. Victims are damaged by priest perpetrators. Their lives are damaged. Many are further victimized by the Catholic institution. The US justice system operates on financial remedies. Most victims simply the want the abuse to stop, for the institution to do effective screening of clergy candidates, and for healing for themselves. Unfortunately, many victims are so damaged spiritually and emotionally by a priest who should be the utmost in trust.

      2. Victims are damaged by priest perpetrators and further victimized by the Catholic institution. The US justice system operates on financial remedies. Most victims simply the want the abuse to stop once and for all, for the institution to do effective screening of clergy candidates, and for healing for themselves. Unfortunately, many victims are so damaged spiritually and emotionally by a priest who should represent the utmost in trust.

    1. For those parishes tasked with serving the Hispanic communities, will subsidies, allowances and additional resources be provided by the diocese to pay for these programs?

  30. Regarding Sacred Heart Cicero, what is meant by “campus relocation”? And isn’t it interesting that the Hamilton County parishes are only asked to “review and possibly reduce weekend Mass schedules? Wonder how many priests from Hamilton County parishes will be transferred…

        1. No, they added on to the existing church and at that time it was considered a stopgap. There is considerable migration from Our Lady of Grace to Cicero, people unhappy that Nob City is no longer a liberal-progressive hive, though that kind of thing lasts only until the bishop’s next 3-yr chess move but the mortgage goes on for a long time. Can you imagine what a new church will cost right now?

          1. To clarify about Sacred Heart Cicero….

            1898…original church built

            1997…addition of basement, kitchen, and parish hall. The parish hall was always intended to be a new worship space down the line when the capacity was reached in the church space

            2012-2014…remodel of parish hall into the current worship space. This was a bandaid aimed to last about 10 years, we’re on year 8 of that bandaid. Building on the current property is not possible, that was explored and exhausted under the leadership of Fr. Dale.

            The late Fr. Michael Kettron and the diocese purchased 60+ acres northwest of the reservoir in 2003. Fr. Kettron knew the direction of the growth of Sacred Heart and Hamilton County. This is not a new plan, but one that has been 20 years in the making.

          2. @ Hieronymous Bosch most likely the people who were probably wanted the old OLG probably went to the next county over since there pastor just relocated there after UIH.


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