

In various places in the diocese, meetings are taking place to determine which liturgical events will be permitted in which parishes. Schedules will be coordinated from the top. Some parishes will experience a reduction in Sunday Masses. Others will no longer have Sunday liturgies at all.

One might assume that such decisions would come from strict necessity, based on the availability of clergy and whether they are reasonably able and willing to provide these sacraments, but we are finding that this is not always the case. The decision making process does not involve all priests, and some are willing to serve the people further but are simply not permitted. The primary criterion in these decisions is not whether a priest is available and willing to “cover” the Masses, but whether his doing so fits with the goals of the UiH plan.

In some instances, it does not. Continuous monitoring by the lay Pastorate Consultants employed by the diocese the will ensure that all parish liturgical schedules correspond to the plan’s goals, regardless of other factors.

As noted in our last post, there are specific canonical processes that must be followed in order to suppress a parish. Closings or mergings require ongoing discernment and flexibility, and can only be undertaken for serious reasons. These do not include clergy scarcity, demographic change or financial shortfalls.

But it’s easier to do away with a parish that everyone has already ceased attending. A parish where parishioners themselves have grown weary of managing finances, facilities, parish councils and the like in a place where the Mass is no longer offered, where people were forced to move on because they were given no other choice.

It’s a sad reality of our times that some parishes might eventually have to shut down. But the Church has already given guidelines and laws to govern these situations (which the lay Faithful would do well to investigate, with the assistance of a canon lawyer where necessary). Our diocese has chosen to apply a method that does the work of suppression without officially having to invoke it, a sort of sacramental chokehold they can apply until the parish simply gives up.

We’re on a deadline, after all.

96 Replies to “Suppression”

    1. With all the shill-articles, fundraising campaign ads, and giant “Uniting in Heart” logos, they probably ran out of room in the paper to advertise his transfer…

  1. Anyone notice how our bishop now restricts comments to his Tweets? So much for our shepard interacting with his flock. Not that he ever really responded to Twitter comments—more just tossing fodder from his ivory tower (on advice of the paid consultants?). Well, at least he’s not publicly defending/siding with Biden like our formal Indianapolis Cardinal is now out of New Jersey.

  2. Page 16 of the August 24th Catholic Moment lists the final clergy assignments after all the shakeups, moves, early retirements, suspensions, etc… Strangely, they left out a priest. Fr. Timothy Alkire is not listed anywhere. Where did Fr. Tim Alkire go? Does anybody know? Did he get “Rothrocked”? What happened? Asking for a friend.

      1. Yes, but was it granted? Other priests who requested and were granted retirement were listed in the Catholic Moment. Why was Fr. Alkire not listed? Is the Diocese just hoping people will forget about him and never list where he is, where he went, whether or not he was granted retirement? Am I the only one who finds this very strange?

        1. He requested retirement but it has not been granted. He is probably just staying with friends or family right now maybe hoping the Bishop will change his mind.

          1. What’s taking so long on deciding what is happening with Fr. Tim Alkire? It seems that the Bishop has dug his heels in and decided to deny retirement? Interesting to see how the priests are being overworked, overwhelmed, and very tired with all of the changes.

          2. They should have left him where he was. They can’t replace him with anyone with the same complement of knowledge and skills. They were willing to hurt the whole parish just to spite him and we all know it. Fantastic job! Now they say they will focus on “healing our trauma.” Good luck with that. They are wrong if they think we can heal as long as jealousy, spite, favoritism, and lack of empathy are what rule our diocese. As long as they treat good priests like garbage. My kid’s interest in a vocation for this diocese crumbled watching this. Selfish ignorant people: your cruelty has hurt hundreds of people in ways you will never know. I’m not sure if you don’t know that or if you just don’t care. God is watching what you do to this good priest who served people constantly even with his cancer. And my kids are watching and seeing what our church is. Maybe you should think about that for once instead of yourselves and your grand big plans.

          3. A.M.A.’s comment is devastating. Truly devastating. And this person is not alone. Of all the things our diocesan leadership has destroyed it is the destruction of trust that is the most egregious. You don’t get it back when its gone, not when you’re in a position of spiritual authority. The only remedy is to apologize, resign, and get off the stage.

            Do they really think they will not have to make an account to God at the end of their lives for every dashed vocation dream, every self-serving action, every cowardly inaction, and every abuse of authority? Good grief! If God isn’t offended by these things, then truly no one needs to worry about escaping hell at the end of their lives; clearly no one goes there.

          4. A.M.A. who and why did they want to spite him. It isn’t that I disagree, I just feel out of the loop here. It looks like they reassigned him to the tribunal. I hope they have given him a place to live. They have done wrong in how they have treated him… after all of this hard work. Shame!

          1. Whatever new retirement policy they came up with, I’m sure it sucks. Everything this diocesan leadership touches seems to die.

    1. Sad what has happened to our priests and our parishes. Our beautiful way of parish life has been destroyed for what? UiH has improved nothing. It has made nobody happier. Is this all so that a few people in charge can have total control?

  3. Is anybody concerned about the recent Uniting in Heart articles in the Catholic moment? There is some very concerning content in them. They aren’t even being written by somebody in our diocese, they are written by a priest in Florida. How bizarre is that?

    The whole point of the 3 part series that he is writing is to tell us why us being upset about Uniting in Heart is wrong. He states in the August 24th edition that for one to be upset about Uniting in Heart, and to miss their pastor is the same thing as for a beaten spouse to want her husband back because of the familiarity.

    Ummm…are you kidding me? I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Seriously…it’s on the front page. Our diocese is so deranged to allow for an article like that to be posted in their propaganda zine. To compare our love and desire to keep our pastor to an abused spouse wanting to return their abuser. Just wow. The only abuse I am feeling is from the diocese, never from my previous pastor and parish. This is absolutely appalling.

    1. Crazy. I’ll have to check that out. Hopefully my bird Rufus hasn’t dirtied it up too much. I always put my Catholic Moments on the bottom of his birdcage. It’s made of some very absorbent paper. Solid bird-cage lining in my opinion.

    2. Holy Hell. I’m in favor of the moves (our parish needed it and some people on this page seem a little too attached to the priest they’ve had for sometimes decades) but if what you’re saying is true, that’s disgusting.

      1. There is always room for change where it is needed, but there is also reasons for change that are created by those who want to control the narrative. I can completely understand where you are coming from, I have also been at a parish in my life where the change was absolutely necessary. But moving 80% of the priests and introducing this UiH program to get “control” over all parishes is ridiculous. What is even more amazing is the use of secular money to do it. That is disgusting! I know of 4 Priests with several years of experience right now who do not even have a parish and one Priest who is 35 years old that lives in a Rectory at a parish where there is no Priest assigned and yet he is not even assigned the weekend masses at that Parish, a Priest from 15 miles away has to drive there every Sunday for Mass. What kind of garbage resource management is that????

        1. The priests that don’t have parishes, and who are assigned to live alone in rectories where they aren’t allowed to say Mass even though they want to, are being punished plain and simple. It’s not a matter of resource management like we were told. The level of resources dropped significantly by this failed rollout of UiH. It is so sad to see our priests treated in this way.

          Our Bishop won’t even let priests who request excardination to be reassigned to another diocese. He would rather them be forced to stay in this diocese with no assignment, and not allow them to administer any sacraments, then let them be assigned to a new diocese. How crazy is that?

          1. Well Abused Catholic, which is what most of us are now, our bishop recently posted online that he was once told by a monsignor to give people what they need not what they want. Apparently, our bishop thinks what we need is to be ignored, treated like ignorant children and his priests like slaves. Not exactly a loving, guiding, listening, shepherd. Guess we need to start acting more like the BLM people. I can do that. He gave them what THEY WANTED not what they needed.

          2. Isn’t our bishop supposed to have personal expertise/education in ethics and morality?

            Well, Fruitful Harvest (or whatever it’s called now) is coming up this month…Nope, nadda, zip! Not one cent!

    3. Welcome to “Uniting in 1984”, where war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and disagreeing with a seriously half-baked parish closure and reprogramming scheme (UiH) is a capital crime. So let’s untangle Fr. “Neutral Zone” Knott’s logic: Missing your former pastor is like going back for another beating, but getting actual beatings from your passive-aggressive diocesan leadership for criticizing UiH is called “Missionary Discipleship”? OK. Got it. See you in therapy!

      1. Just not sure anymore. Went to Mass and I hardly would call it the worship of Our Lord. The speech after the Mass was interesting in that a lot of words were used but nothing was said. Partners in Edge corporate jargon more like it…Uniting in Heart? I have no heart for this and it isn’t the priest. I had a good holy priest that taught me long ago to follow Jesus and if I didn’t he said he failed me. He didn’t. I do follow Jesus and I respect all our priests but I have no use for this Alpha nonsense. I am familiar with the background of it being as I had friends that were protestant ministers, children of these ministers, missionaries overseas, etc. If it is so great then why are they losing attendance in their churches also? Still wondering how much these consultants are paid? They are good at marketing but the “heart” is not there.

  4. I’m curious to know how everyone is going to greet their new pastors and Priests this weekend. You know most didn’t want to move. So what is the plan now for those who read this?

    1. I plan to introduce myself to our new pastor and try to be as friendly, welcoming and helpful as possible. As you mentioned, the priests did not choose where they would be sent and they have no control over this whole Uniting in Heart fiasco. Taking our frustration out on them would only serve to make a bad situation worse.

      1. Same. I plan to do some fasting, adoration and chaplets for them. We have so many good priests and they already don’t get much consideration from above. I hope they know that we do care about them.

        1. And if you’re not already…pray the daily Auxilium Christianorum prayers (provided you are in a state of grace) for that extra 1-2 spiritual punch.

    2. I will welcome them, pray for them and try to be always be respectful. I care about our priests. We have many good ones and I don’t want them to think they are abandoned as we have felt many times this year. They are in a hard position and have given vows of obedience I understand that. At this point I am going to try and pray more than ever for them and fast for our diocese , country, and world. May God have mercy on us and show us the way.

  5. A reading from the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel

    “The word of the Lord came to me:
    Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel,
    in these words prophesy to them to the shepherds:
    Thus says the Lord GOD: Woe to the shepherds of Israel
    who have been pasturing themselves!
    Should not shepherds, rather, pasture sheep?
    You have fed off their milk, worn their wool,
    and slaughtered the fatlings,
    but the sheep you have not pastured.
    You did not strengthen the weak nor heal the sick
    nor bind up the injured.
    You did not bring back the strayed nor seek the lost,
    but you lorded it over them harshly and brutally.
    So they were scattered for the lack of a shepherd,
    and became food for all the wild beasts.
    My sheep were scattered
    and wandered over all the mountains and high hills;
    my sheep were scattered over the whole earth,
    with no one to look after them or to search for them.

    Therefore, shepherds, hear the word of the LORD:
    As I live, says the Lord GOD,
    because my sheep have been given over to pillage,
    and because my sheep have become food for every wild beast,
    for lack of a shepherd;
    because my shepherds did not look after my sheep,
    but pastured themselves and did not pasture my sheep;
    because of this, shepherds, hear the word of the LORD:
    Thus says the Lord GOD:
    I swear I am coming against these shepherds.
    I will claim my sheep from them
    and put a stop to their shepherding my sheep
    so that they may no longer pasture themselves.
    I will save my sheep,
    that they may no longer be food for their mouths.

    For thus says the Lord GOD:
    I myself will look after and tend my sheep.“

    First reading on the day the new assignments kick in. I’m pretty sure the Holy Spirit is trying to tell us something different than what they say He’s trying to tell us.

    1. “I will save my sheep.” Wow, I needed that! I think the last time I heard that reading was a Sunday right after the McCarrick mess. God is near us and He hears the cry of the poor.

  6. I imagine that the illogical lessening and re-ordering of Mass times in each pastorate is actually for the purpose of getting those parishioners on one schedule so that when the bishop shuts down the churches he plans to shut down, the newly established schedules will take place at the only churches left standing.

  7. Has anyone else been following the recent glowing endorsements of UIH by priests on the DOL Facebook page? Why does this all feel a bit like North Vietnamese propaganda? Can we get one of these endorsements via video statement so we can check the blinking?

    In related news, Jane Fonda has inspected the conditions of the priests in DOL right now and reports that they are all doing fine, just fine.

    1. Yes, I have been following them and I thought the same. They removed the countdown because that wasn’t working, had negative comments so now they are trying to convince us that the priests are in line with everything and probably many of them are. A priest now has to decide to either follow the mandates or be thrown under the bus with the rest of them. It is sad now you don’t know who you can trust not even among your brother priests. A lot like the Vietnam era. It is a shame, rather than going to a mega corporation to fix the problems within the diocese, they didn’t go to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I am sure He would have helped them evangelize people a lot cheaper and with greater love and wisdom. Oh yes, I know some say they did but how much heart and effort did they put into it? I suspect more time was given to the outside secular company to run things. You remember in covid , Adoration and prayer in the church were closed off and among the first to go. What a disgrace. The catholic church in this diocese is being run by a money hungry corporation of paid consultants, the elite at the top in the church, all with the blessing of the Bishop under the guise of bringing Jesus to the masses.

      Waiting for the next priest to say how overjoyed he is…………..


    2. I agree. The endorsements have the look and feel of hostage video still shots. It’s like just off camera there is someone pointing a loaded gun at their heads. Pure North Korea. What a joke!

    1. Something is wrong where you have to transfer practically every priest in the diocese to make it “work” What will be Amazing is if we have a church left. I have no desire to participate with these paid consultants or have priests that are monitored by them. Trust is gone. Amazing! Hope people will enjoy the big screen TV as in the one Lafayette church now. That really helps the reverence. The person that should have been transferred is still in charge. Amazing.

  8. I am sorry but this is not about the TLM or the Novus Ordo. This is about taking away the Sacraments, it is about turning the Parishioners away from The Eucharist during a time when we should have been being pulled together by our Bishop and Priests(Protect the Soul not the body). The knee jerk reactions by the Diocesan Leadership will not stop. They have no True desire to follow and Lead us to Christ and they have proved it with shutting down the churches, the Sacraments and Adoration. Brother against Brother, Cardinal against Cardinal, Bishop against Bishop, Priest against Priest. WHY? Because this is the time that God has informed us through his Mother for a long time. The “wolves in sheep’s clothing” is more than just about the pedophiles. It is the end times, we are LIVING it. Division is the mission of the Hierarchy of the church. “Mask everything in good deeds when necessary, but always point the church in the direction of demise.” Many of those who work in the office of the Diocese of Lafayette Indiana feel this way and work this way. They will ALWAYS tell you what “they” think you want to hear, but they will NEVER guide you towards Jesus in the manner Jesus wants them to go, because it is contrary to their own desires. They have proven this in the way both COVID and UiH has been handled and implemented. Not to mention the work they have done in moving so MANY Priests without concern for ANYONE but themselves.

    1. Yes, I am afraid closing the churches completely in the manner it was done and other actions has caused a lot of damage and the sad thing is I don’t think the Bishop cares. If he cared he would be meeting with some of the people that asked him too and answered the letters of his own people but no instead he hurried to Carmel to appease the BLM. Tells me all I need to know. I know some of the Bishop’s people look at this page and it makes me wonder if any of them care at all. I had a fallen away Catholic ask me about our churches in this diocese and you know I hardly knew what to tell her with all the problems. In the end I told her about a priest in another diocese that I knew followed the true teachings of the church and wasn’t silenced into submission by his bishop. I do not see the Holy Spirit or Jesus in any of this but rather see power hungry people and greedy people pushing an agenda that they will profit from. If you go along with the program you will be rewarded ( Obvious in some of the best assignments given to the followers of the UIH.) Hardly disciples of Jesus. I don’t want to think this way but the more I hear and see you can talk about Jesus and evangelizing all you want but until you address the concerns of your own people your words are meaningless. If you can’t show Christ to your own you certainly can’t show him to others. What are you doing Bishop? What are you doing diocesan leadership? You don’t have to answer to me but you will to Christ . I struggle now with staying myself. Lord have mercy on us.

      1. They don’t have any reason to care what anyone thinks as long as there is very little pushback outside of this webpage.

        1. Oh, the push-back has already begun! Thanks to the China-virus and the American bishops weakling response in closing churches, cutting off access to the sacraments and accepting the label “Non-Essential”, there are now millions of poorly catechized Catholics perfectly willing to stay home, stay safe, watch TV mass occasionally, and never send a red-cent to the virtual collection plate. Add to that the ridiculous “covid-masses” with their bleached-pews, mask-orders, holy hand sanitizer, liturgical abuses, and seemingly endless profanations of the Blessed Sacrament all in the name “safety” and you have a situation where it’s as if the modernist Church wants to die.

          Presently, it seems God is quite willing to get out of the way and let it happen.

          There is no putting the toothpaste back in the tube now. Events beyond any human being’s control are now in motion. Thanks be to God our Blessed Lord will be with us until the end of the age…

          1. If you think that the ONLY reason that the majority of Catholics are poorly catechized is because of the shutdowns then I have some ocean front property in Nebraska I’d like to sell you

  9. The most grievous atrocity being wrought on the faithful (clergy and laity) by our ordained diocesan leadership is an apparent contempt for souls. They can talk up a pastoral storm all they want, but the actions they’ve taken scream far louder. Their actions over the course of UiH implementation, Covid-crisis, priest-transfers, etc. demonstrate a spiritual callousness that can rightly be described as a form of brutality: Holding fake “listening sessions” across the diocese when the decision on what to do was already made in advance behind closed doors; closing the churches at the behest of the state and denying access to the sacraments during a time of national crisis (and completely blowing the opportunity – dropped in their laps – to truly evangelize people on the margins who were asking desperate eternal questions as their material lives were falling apart around them); and then the priest transfers/retirements, with all of their associated anguish and uncertainty…

    For me, it has truly begged the question: Why on earth did any of these men in leadership pursue Holy Orders? I mean, what was the point when they prostrated themselves on the ground in absolute surrender to the Son of God if not to offer the Holy Sacrifice, forgive sins, and save souls? Was it really to preside over a flock with a cold indifference and general disregard for their spiritual well-being? Was it to bully their brother priests into submission, lose all their respect, and then wonder why none of them are particularly excited to be on the team? Was it to sever all human bonds of concern and understanding with parishes and their parishioners for the sake of an experiment that has virtually no grounding in or respect for Church tradition? Do they not see the coming whirlwind they will reap after all the wind they have sown? Have they lost all introspection? Again, what was the point of prostrating yourselves before Almighty God?

    Oh, if they only took to heart St. Augustine’s words of warning:
    “The glory of this age passes; on Judgment Day all these honors will be good for nothing. It is not my intention to waste my life on the vanity of ecclesiastical honors. I think of the day when I will have to render an accounting for the flock that has been entrusted to me by the Prince of pastors. Understand my fears, because my fears are great.”

    Pray for all our ordained. The attacks being meted out on them by the Enemy are far more severe than we realize. May our Blessed Mother wrap them in her maternal protection and may St. Joseph, terror of demons, defend them.

    And for goodness sake: Come, Lord Jesus!

    1. Father? Is that you?
      Crazy times! It seems like there is all-of-a-sudden a desire to tear things down and build them back up again by people place in positions of authority and trust?

    1. The reality is that clergy have little recourse when mistreated by their bishop. There is always a loophole for a bishop. Canon law isn’t worth the paper it’s written on these days. It is a serious issue that needs addressed by the Vatican.

        1. Remember that the bishops are pretty much sovereign rulers in their dioceses. The Vatican rarely interferes. Those of us old enough to have fought battles here before have found this out. The most the Nuncio will do is call the bishop and ask why so many letters have been sent. The bishop will give his excuses and life will go on as before. Pray, fast, support your new pastor and parish ($$$) and maybe you can keep your parish. To withdraw support is sure death sentence. At least that is what I am going to do. Looking at our priests, we are darn lucky. Support them.

          1. It’s true. Withholding money from one’s “new” parish is a catch-22 situation. Withholding money will make the Church go downhill even faster, possibly bring even more consolidations. Continue giving money, and the administration of the diocese will be confirmed in its belief that the withholding of money were empty threats that would not be acted upon—thus confirming that the laity are utterly powerless, even against the most egregious initiatives (and this includes doctrinal) of the diocesan administration. I may sound like a broken record, but the only shelter from this misdirected tyranny is the semi-independent TLM parishes: the Fraternity of St. Peter, the Institute of Christ the King, and yes—even the canonically irregular but in no way schismatic—SSPX.

          2. You could also just go to mass outside of the diocese to a worthy diocesan parish in communion with Rome (sorry, SSPX, SSPV, Pope Michael): Gary, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis. None of them are currently engaged in a similar Uniting in Self-Destruction plan. Priests are free to preach and administer the sacraments without some paid lay-tyrants pushing them around. Heck go explore an eastern rite catholic church somewhere! It’s a big Universal Church!

      1. Just read in Comments on Lafayette Diocese facebook page that only 4 priests got to stay at their current parishes. Can anyone tell me who those priests are and the parishes? I know of one. We were told in the beginning 80% of the priests would be moved. Must be the new math.

        1. Fr. Kevin Haines will stay at SMG and Fr. Sean Pogue will stay at Sacred Heart. Now Fr. Doerr will stay at OLMC. I’m not sure who the fourth priest is.

          1. Father Buckles is no longer a diocesan priest — he’s in an order now but I don’t recall the name. Ask him when you see him next

  10. Some of us on the Laity for Faithful Priests Facebook page are trying to arrange an in person meeting for those interested in taking a more active approach to speak out against the UiH fiasco and support our priests. Tentatively looking at August 22 in Lebanon. Thought we’d attend the vigil mass then meet afterward. Would any one from this site – many of whom I know are also on the FB page-be interested in getting involved?

  11. We are living in some of the most turbulent times this country has ever seen. A virus that is showing no signs of stopping. An economic crisis brewing that could rival the Great Depression. Riots, mobs, and looting that is unprecedented. Distrust of our neighbors as a looming election proves to further polarize the nation. A war over the very words we speak where any given utterance taken out of context could mean loss of one’s employment or being vilified by millions.
    And yet, with all of the chaos surrounding us, the wounds from the diocese cut the deepest to practicing Catholics in this community. We need stability, not more change. Lift our priests up instead of treating them like employees who need a good “talking to.” When I hear about what is going on behind the scenes, it is such a disappointment. Is anyone surprised by the multiple retirements in the diocese? The bishop has created the priest shortage himself. The vicar general is sowing discontent between the parishes.
    If a parish is already thriving, LET IT THRIVE! Don’t chop it down so that lukewarm parishes can receive some “diocese welfare.” If a parish is struggling, brainstorm how to save it, instead of justifying why it must go. Be confident in our priests to manage their parishes. They are the future of the diocese, not this train wreck of a plan.

    1. The Bishop would rather the Diocese burn to the ground than admit that he is wrong and the plan is wrong. That’s exactly what will happen. The problem is that he won’t be bothered by the wreckage around him- the Faithful will. I fear his judgement and I pray God for mercy on his soul.

      1. The bishop’s problem is that nothing bothers him. He’s disconnected. He’s neither hot, nor cold. He’s about as lukewarm as one can get.

        Hmm….doesn’t our Blessed Lord have something to say about the lukewarm?

        Revelation 3:15-16

  12. Canon law – Shmanon law! Who’s got time to go through a canonical process when we’ve got to be AMAZING before the money runs out! Sure, bullet point #2 of the “How” in the UiH plan says: “We honor and live by Canon or civil law, diocesan policy and protocols.” But did you notice? It said Canon “OR” civil law. So, when it comes to suppressing parishes, we’ll be following civil law, thank you very much. And since civil law is silent about procedures for closing catholic parishes, I guess we’ll get to make it up ourselves! See how this works, now? Isn’t it AMAZING?!?!?!

    …besides, we’ve figured that the Vatican is too busy remaking the world economy, saving us from global warming, and working on that McCarrick report to be bothered with enforcing Canon Law, especially in our little corner of Catholicism.

    This what we call back at UiH headquarters an AMAZING opportunity to be AMAZING!

    1. I love your comments, Amazing Parishioner. They make me laugh….. and then they make me cry. Sarcasm or standard operating procedure for the Diocese? One just can’t tell.

  13. Decisions have already been made for Benton and SW Newton counties. I thought at least the bishop would wait and see what happens after the priestly reassignments went into effect, but we’ve already been told our Masses and confession times are being reduced significantly. St. Charles in Otterbein is only going to have a single weekend mass, the Saturday-Vigil. I am so saddened by this. Did they even ask the new priests what they wanted? If the new priests want to say more masses, will the bishop even allow them? Why are these changes being made before the new priests have settled in and then ask them what they want to do about the splitting the Mass duties?

  14. It grieves me to think the Church of Christ is being ‘managed’under the guise of the ‘Holy Spirit’ instead of allowing pastors to serve the bride of Christ as needed. When did it become all about business, grants and money? I guess this is why Jesus said, “You can’t serve God and mammon” one ends up being hated and despised.

  15. A real, concerted, aggressive push for the Traditional Mass is the only way to salvage something out of this wreckage. Unfortunately, caution and fear–that is, scrupulosity about obedience–continue to beset most of the sympathizers of the Traditional Mass.

    1. PMH: you are absolutely correct, we have not been taught real Catholicism but we have learned to Pray, pay and obey.

      We need to get united toward the push for the TLM, it will take warriors with no fear, respect without fear, of the Bishop.

      I cannot imagine this Bishop will ever give us a parish home or assign a priest for the TLM which brings me back to the thought that only a society priest whom the bishop cannot suppress will be our answer.

      Many TLM chapels find they are growing with attendees and vocations when they had been warned of the opposition to the Society And impending doom and failure. I, for one, believe the beauty and reverence of the TLM, once experienced will blossom and spread.

      Let’s use the often used words of the pope and bishops, although lacking in real essence, and become evangelists, evangelists for the True Church.

    2. I disagree, PMH. I am not drawn to the Traditional Mass- but it’s not out of scruples. I love the Novus Ordo and go to a parish that has beautiful liturgies. I absolutely disagree that the TLM is the only way to save the diocese.

  16. Well, this is just about par for the course, isn’t it? The Bishop has misled and been dishonest to his people over and over and over again…. it’s a wonder anyone listens to him at all. The last straw for me was when he locked the doors of the Churches against his people in the middle of a global pandemic (leading us to believe that all the Indiana Bishops were doing the same) when the doors never closed in FW/SB. They never stopped Adoration. They never stopped private Confessions. I have no doubt that UinH is all about Church closings. Rather than having any bravery or integrity, the Bishop wanted a way to close churches while being blameless in the decision. It grieves my heart to feel this way about my shepherd- but the days of blind faith in the Church hierarchy are over. Not a dime more.

    1. Yes, I have family in the FW/SB diocese and they had access to a lot more than us. Totally locking the churches was a disgrace and an insult to God. I went to the church to pray and there it was a sign that said locked by the Bishop’s order…nothing else, just locked. I wonder exactly how much these paid pastorate consultants are getting? What is the cost of this whole program? Don’t you just get a good vibe from knowing everything in your church is being monitored by a paid pastorate consultant? I just don’t see the Holy Spirit at work in this like they have been trying to sell. It comes down to a sleek marketing package and very little to do with glorifying God. Yes, there will probably be church closings which is probably in the works now as to when. Maybe more time should have been spent in Adoration and confession by our leaders. God have mercy on us and them.

  17. Covid and this whole UiH process has left me much to think about, and I would love a return to the Traditional Mass. Unfortunately, that is not so easy to do in this diocese.

    1. Please don’t write off the TLM, there are Catholics willing to fight and work to make it happen even if we don’t have the support of this bishop… pray for the return of the TLM!

    2. There are Catholics in this diocese actively working to have a weekly TLM, there is a list of people who receive notices of the TLMs available in our diocese. Feel free to contact me if you would like to receive updates and information concerning upcoming TLM, we are happy to add you to our lists of interested Catholics!


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