What Path Lies Ahead?
Someone quoted to me recently the words of a famous thinker: “No one can be a man unless his father has died.” The thought is attributed to Freud, with clarification by Jung that such a death may occur symbolically.
In this conception, something new is born, painfully but of necessity, from this death: the end of looking upward to another man for all direction and wisdom, the realization that one is responsible for oneself and must to some extent shoulder that burden for his own good and for the sake of others. The answers are not going to be simply given to us; we must be willing find them ourselves.
Already in this new year, we have lost a father. Benedict XVI has been laid to rest in St. Peter’s.
We have lost other fathers too, more locally. As Bishop Doherty noted in a recent column in The Catholic Moment, “we have seen a reduction in the number of priests in active diocesan ministry.”
The same column notes that in the coming days (January 18 and 19), priests must convene with him to discern solutions. He stresses that this need for evaluations and adjustments “does not reflect a failure on anyone’s part,” just the need to measure our “present reality.” The article references the opportunity for “laity review,” so that we may know the reasons for all of this.
Perhaps, as the loss of so much fatherhood mounts, we already understand more than we wish to.
As one reader observed privately: “This all appears to be an exercise in what in the engineering fields is called backwards engineering; where the final result is taken apart to determine how the product works.”
The same reader asked: “Is this ’emergency’ meeting validating that Uniting in Heart is simply an elaborate system developed to manage the decline of the Church, as some have postulated from the start? Don’t forget, Uniting in Heart is funded with a half million dollar grant from the Lilly Foundation, which is not a Catholic organization. https://lillyendowment.org/for-current-grantees/recent-grants/?fa=11&initiative=44&search=
Is Lilly’s vision the same as Jesus Christ’s?”
This is a good question, since even this meeting is funded and brought you courtesy of the Lilly Endowment.
It’s plain, despite the ever cheerful tone of The Catholic Moment that things are not going well, taken as a whole, across the diocese. When a sudden and deeply detrimental trend appears, such as a large and rapid decrease in available priests (I believe the number is 7 or 8 since Uniting in Heart began), an exodus of ministry staff, and a tangible dip in the morale of the lay people, the correlation will be noticed by anyone who is paying attention.
Looking at things through the eyes of a child, one might say, ” I am certain our diocesan leaders will listen to the Holy Spirit and figure this all out.” Maybe you, like me, find yourself less able to look through this lens, with every father that we must symbolically bury.
I decline to view this state of affairs as normal.
So the question is whether any truthfulness will prevail in these discussions, especially truthfulness that casts unflattering light on the pastoral plan. Will they ask why our clergy now seem in to be in greater isolation, under greater physical and spiritual strain, with lower morale?
Will there be any willingness to consider that some of the philosophies of ecclesial life embedded in UiH (and perhaps in the present decision-making apparatus) are flawed?
Will they reassess, even at the cost of ego, that which is not helpful to the Church?
Or shall we just chalk it up to bad luck and continue on the same track?
UiH said that we must adapt and manifest a new reality, one in which the Church would grow, the parishes become more vibrant, vocations increase, and clergy live together with greater fraternity. If this is not occurring, then one must weigh why these things were said…A mask over decline management? Or a strategy which gravely misfired?
Though we must hope and pray such soul-searching occurs, it’s not plain to us that it will. The meeting, as presently set up, is to involve presentations by the “Missionary Pastors” (those who are left, that is). It’s not clear how much input other clergy will have, and lay people (apart from those under the bishop’s employ) don’t appear to have any.
All of this will have a direct bearing on future clergy assignments, since with the present trend, it will no longer be possible cover all the pastoral responsibilities as previously. Undoubtedly, there will be repercussions on the diocesan landscape.
So with this in mind, we should each shoulder these sobering truths as men rather than as children, and as Christian men rather than as cynics. We must enter into great prayer this week, asking God’s grace on our bishop and clergy, asking for clarity and truth, humility and hope, perseverance and courage, for all involved.
Renewal of the Church is possible. We can find success stories every day–such as this remarkable 5-year transformation of a struggling parish–but the preconditions of this are always God’s good pleasure and our faithfulness to Him, above ego, money, prestige, or any other earthly value.
Pray hard that our diocese finds that path this week and forges ahead.
123 Replies to “What Path Lies Ahead?”
I can tell you all exactly where the problem lies. Vatican II.
We have not had a valid Pope since October 9, 1958, Pope was Pius XII.
Vatican II was written by Protestant pastors.
The heretical church that is being led by Jorge Bergoglio and his predecessors ( October 28, 1958-Present) is a 100% Protestant church.
The Sedevacantist position is the only true position of the Catholic faith.
Research, Study, Seek The Truth.
Fr Anthony Cekada on YouTube is a great resource.
I would challenge your supposition of the seat being vacant with an an alternative…sede impedita. Gary Giuffre has presented a quite detailed argument for this position over the years, and I struggle to be able to refute it as much as I would like to believe we just have a “bad” pope. That said, I agree that 1958 was a pivotal year for the Church.
His position and analysis can be found below. His four video interviews found on that site are also worth a listen—albeit sobering for those hearing it for the first time:
Regardless, remember what was promised at Fatima…” In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.” So, stay close to Our Lady working to stay in a state of grace, and pray the Rosary daily. Fulfill her request of the First Five Saturdays devotion.
Yes, that freemasonic laugh resonates all the way from the impeding of the validly elected pope in ‘58 by the installing of a Rosicrucian in the Vatican to a man that kissed the Quran and allowed a Buddha to be placed atop a tabernacle to one that allowed the worship of Pachamama in the Vatican garden.
No worries, because “…in the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.” Our Lady of Fatima said that it will be late, but the (valid) pope and his bishop will ultimately consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, and a period of peace will reign upon the Earth.
Oh great. Catholic conspiracy theory.
Yeah, conspiracies! Who needs ‘em? After all, JP I died of natural causes, right? Am I right?!!
Since I am one of the most direct critics of the Bishop, I will give him credit when due. I am cautiously optimistic based on his message about priest meeting in January in the most recent “The Catholic Moment”. If he continues on that right path, maybe he’ll be making a guest post soon here thanking The Red Wolf for helping him get what we all want, a thriving orthodox diocese producing numerous priests here in the heart of conservative Indiana .
I hate to break this to you, but the bishop does not want what you want. He should want what you want. But, alas, he does not want what you want. Thankfully, he does not want what Pastor Jimmy Martin of the Jesuit church wants to the extent Pastor Jimmy Martin of the Jesuit church wants it. But that’s only because our bishop is not an activist. He’s more of an academic modernist than a revolutionary modernist. In any event, your cautious optimism is more than warranted. Our bishop’s sad record of neglect and indifference has been on display for many years now. Short of “Saint Paul on the road to Damascus” type of conversion, our bishop’s legacy is largely cemented. He will likely continue to disappoint for the few remaining years of his term and then he’ll leave and quickly be forgotten. It’s hard to miss a father you never really had.
My gosh. Ye of little faith. Trust God a bit more to move in people.
LGBT IDEOLOGY IN INDIANA CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. As though we needed more problems. Corpus Christi for Peace and Unity and Facebook group Catholic Hoosier (did you know about this group?) have shared Lepanto Institute’s uncovering of anti-Catholic Houghton-Mifflin’s pro LGBT+ NWEA (an assessment group) relationship with the dioceses of Ft Wayne/South Bend, Lafayette and Gary. You can learn more about it at any of those three sites. It’s a need to know topic calling for prayer and action.
Word has come out that the next priests’ formation day will be oriented toward the (very slow moving) bishop’s response to the priests’ assembly in January.
Listen. The popular opinion here on Red Wolf is a lack of fondness toward the bishop. And even less toward his vicar general. Totally understandable. I tend to have the same opinion.
Our priests need prayer. Our diocese needs prayer. Pretty desperately.
I want to ask you. Yes, *you*, reader, to engage in some heartfelt prayer for this diocese. Not a prayer that you get the priest you like back, not that the bishop and the vicar general would grow senile overnight disabling both to no longer serve for even one more minute (although that would selfishly be very, very nice), nor that Fr. So-and-So wins the lottery and is elected bishop of the diocese in the same week.
Please pray that all of us in this diocese could admit to, and pause the bickering, the judgemental attitudes, and the “my way or the highway” mentalities for just a few.
Lets pray that all of us (that’s the bishop, the VG, the chancery, the priests, the seminarians, the parish staffs, the partner’s edge people, us faithful laity, and all the rest) make some room for God to work and we would cooperate.
Because I believe He will.
Join me?
I find it a hard task to pray well for the bishop and particularly the VG but I have on occasion. You’re right about all the prayers needed for the diocese – I’ll try harder!
What Path Lies Ahead?
Same path that we’ve always been on under this bishop: managed decline.
Unless he comes to his senses before he retires, nothing of substance will change.
All we laity can do is pray and resist by not feeding one red cent into the decline management machine known as Uniting in Heart and the Catholic Ministries Appeal.
Tithe elsewhere.
Does holding funds from the diocesan fund drive really accomplish anything. The diocese just seizes the cash from the parish to meet the goal.
How is “defunding the diocese” of any benefit for the needs of the priests and faithful of our diocese? This approach strikes me as self-destructive. Regardless of a personal disagreement with some of the policies and how the pastoral care of the non-leaders is nearly non-existent, we still have an obligation to financially support the “ministries” of the diocese.
Which of the ministries are the target of the suggested “defunding”? Ought we not financially support our priests, seminarians, our young adult campus students, our retired priests, our poorer parishes? Would you have our Church buildings and other structures depreciate to the point of demolition? Lack of funding of the diocese will have a direct effect on ourselves! I seriously do not understand how “defunding” is seen as any solution!
No, I don’t like at all the thought that my giving up–my “sacrificial gifts,” of choosing meatless meals, such as bean burritos, rather than heartier dinners of steak or lamb chops, helps to support hospitality-training sessions for leadership at a secular venue, and other catered lunch/dinners. I favor a more frugal approach–especially on the part of the Church, but I am not part of the leadership making such decisions. Are you “defunders” also part of the non-elites–the non-chosen? Well, am I the first to remind us that this is simply part of the cross we must bear at this time? Certainly we ought to express our disagreements with how this UIH 2030 Plan was implemented–no doubt it was a HUGE lack of understanding of the nature of individual parishes as persons/families body and soul. The business model is not concerned with the soul, only objective, external, observable numbers that can be tracked.
Our very nature was, is yet, ignored as unimportant at best, or unnecessary at worst. Oh, the words are likely there, buried somewhere in either (or both) the diocesan or pastorate plan printouts on the shiny papers with all the colorful graphics–the one slightly stained by refried beans.
Let this be a lesson for us, a reminder if you will, of the poorer folks south of the equator, who see our USA as the rich eating bean & cheese burritos with clean water, milk, juice,yet they suffer from “bad water” and lack of proper nutrition.
So, let us send the meager funds we have to spare, asking St. Joseph and St.. Peter to multiply them, no doubt Peter knows exactly which fish to catch to pay our Temple Tax, & it will be enough to provide our needs.
Perhaps one could opt to designate funds for only particular ministries–I have no accounting or legal experience to draw from, but it may be a possible option to consider.
God Bless us every one.
Personally, I have stopped tithing to either my parish or the diocese and have instead channeled my donations to the endowment of our parish school (where the bishop can get his hands on the money only with great difficulty), and to the Guerin High School Providence Fund and the Unite+Build+Soar Fund (again, difficult for the bishop to touch it). This was a wrenching decision, but I’ve come to the conclusion that the beast must be starved. I have also begun to donate to the Coalition for Canceled Priests: https://www.canceledpriests.org/
good man
Has anyone seen the diocesan website where you can make a donation? The first pull down menu has a ton of silly titles including “Mr. and Mr.” , “Mrs. and Mrs.” , “Ms. and Mrs.”, and such…
Just seeing that was enough to turn a friend of a friend away from making a donation to the diocese.
I wonder why they allowed to have those odd titles there? Do they really think it’s okay to have two men “married”, which is what titles like that seem to imply? Wonder why they didn’t check into this pulldown form better before using it on their website for donations. I thought it was extremely poor form for a Catholic diocesan website to use.
The diocese as well as the parishes probably use secular companies to collect money (and info on us)
and those companies have to comply with the gender ABCs and that rot. Have you ever been asked by Flocknote to give your sexual identity? It’s an awful world we live in. I wonder if the diocese is aware or just clueless.
As with most things in the diocese, going with “clueless” is a sure bet.
Of course the diocese is aware of what is on their website. “Mrs. and Mrs.,” is Exhibit A that the Diocese has no intention of offending anyone, unless you happen to be a traditional Catholic. The goal is to create “amazing” parishes that have no historical collective memory of Roman Catholicism’s Christendom roots. If traditional Catholics in rural areas lose their church, that’s collateral damage in creating that “amazing” parish that will, in turn, be the next domino to fall, until at the end, the last of the dominos has fallen. The game of closing churches ends when the last church ends. UiH is not sustainable.
Whatever prevents the diocese from getting money is OK by me.
Pray, then post. Just a reminder. We all often have painful matters to discuss. Just take a moment to think and pray first. With thanks, RW.
Just sat down and read the legal documents in the Fr. DeOreo case after all the mentions here. I don’t know/never met this priest. I do however know people who are victims of clerical abuse. Accusations have to be taken seriously and investigated fully.
Not sure what I expected but I’m now struggling to understand the actions of this Diocese in this case. I was going to say it feels like a huge overreaction but seeing what is stake it’s actually worse. Taking deOreo out of ministry for promoting fasting (really?) was one thing, releasing vague statements to the media that made it sound like he was a sexual abuser (which was a disingenuous, and frankly a slimy thing to do, considering that was not even alleged), was another. Actually fighting against transparency by not allowing him to see the substance of the accusations against him was the final thing that got me. Surely every accused person is entitled to that?
This forces me to think that unless there is a lot more to this than the lawsuits allege (I mean, that’s not likely but I guess it’s possible) then Bishop Doherty and his advisors have a pitifully small interest in seeing justice served and not very much respect for the priests serving under them. Cannot believe they can in good conscience let a person be destroyed on such trivial, unsubstantial, and unsubstantiated grounds. When I think of all the abusers that got away with their crimes, it is literally sickening to me. But it’s equally sickening to throw someone to the wolves when you know they don’t deserve it. SMH.
The alleged problem was far from him merely encouraging fasting, but purportedly engaging in spiritually and emotionally abusive behavior by focusing down a single individual and deliberately feeding scruples, trying to force him to go way beyond the fasting a normal teenager should do and telling him that other people’s success depended on his fasting, and then some weird comments (in what is a pretty blatant he-said/she-said situation that we have know way of knowing the truth of). Reading the document makes it sound less like sexual abuse/assault and more like possible grooming behavior.
I have no clue what to believe. You’d think some of the accusations made would have some tangible evidence behind them (phone records, corroborating witnesses, etc.). The lawsuit is also weird. It’s not the kid suing, but DeOreo filing a defamation suit (if I’m reading this correctly). Definitely makes it seem like there’s more to the story. At this point, with the legal system involved, there’s not much more to do than pray for all those involved and that the truth be uncovered and made public
You are correct. This lawsuit is Fr. DeOreo suing the accuser for defamation of character. Wrap your mind around that. A priest is left to sue an accuser to try to defend himself, his reputation, and his vocation. I have to wonder why any priest would do this if they had actually been involved in wrong doing ? Wouldn’t a priest just quietly depart had he actually been involved in inappropriate behavior? Tangible evidence…the accuser wrote Fr. DeOreo a letter thanking him for his time at St. Al’s. Read it for yourself. It’s one of the files in the case. I think part of the reason Fr. DeOreo filed this lawsuit against this young man was so that the case and investigation could be made public. When the diocese and Bishop won’t support you, then you are left to take matters into your own hands to try to clear your name.
Clear his name while blaming the victim(s)? Probably not a good strategy and bad legal advice as well. He will lose this case if its not tossed out. His days as a priest any place are done due to his own multiple misdeeds and Church safe conduct protocols. He just needs to accept it and move on. You know when you stir the pot, some it it is likely to slash back on you. Maybe Purdue has another position open.
It is remarkable that people think that “guilty until proven innocent” will somehow get us to justice or will make up for past cover ups and abuses. No one knows what happened except the people who were there. This why there is some burden of proof needed or at least preponderance of evidence. “Victim blaming” is to say, “This happened to you, but it’s your fault.” That is very different from saying “This did not happen.” If something did NOT happen as alleged, then the accused person saying so is in accord with the 8th Commandment which requires us to speak the truth. I hope the truth is found in this case but I don’t think rash judgement and snark are going to get us there.
Much of this blog as with much of social media is “guilty until proven innocent” and being judgemental. For sure a number of the people posting apply “guilty until proven innocent” to every thing they say about Bishop Doherty without having all or any of the facts and without knowing the man or his heart. Remember that the bishop is also a priest and rose from the ranks of seminarians and priests but is still a priest. So why not give him the same benefit of doubt many bloggers do for our priests?
Anonymous at January 26, 2023 at 8:55 am:
Many of us have written Bishop Doherty letters giving him the benefit of the doubt, and he has not deigned to answer us. I’ve also written the Vicar General with a specific question about canon law (I am a lawyer, by the way) and placing Deacon Bill Reid over another priest in the administrator role in the aftermath of Father Ted Rothrock’s suspension (I was hoping being on parish council might prompt him to answer) and did not even get an acknowledgment of receipt. Finally, many of us showed up at the Chancellery to try to meet with the Bishop but no one even came out. Therefore, I’ve given enough benefit of the doubt. If they act like we are not worthy of responses, they have given up the benefit of the doubt until they are willing to answer/engage/discuss. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email at ericsmorris@hotmail.com.
Mr. Morris. If you are an attorney, then I know you would appreciate that confidential employee information, lawsuit information, health information, and more can not and should not be shared in social media nor with parishioners, donors, protesters or anyone even when they write demand letters, post on a blog, or organize protests in front of the bishop’s house or office. No one should expect replies to such passive aggressive behavior as an attorney would know and would also counsel his client on when confronted by such tactics.
I’ve never asked for confidential employee information, lawsuit information, or health information, and not really sure if anyone else I know has either. It’s almost as-if you are aggressively-aggressively (instead of passive, whatever that means) assuming me guilty of that kind of behavior until I have to prove myself innocent and of being judgmental. Figures, from the simps for our horrible Bishop who has done nothing to attempt to address genuine concerns from this group of concerned laity. He gave into a mob regarding Father Ted Rothrock. He writes muddled and confusing articles in the dicocesan paper, and he is not a “shepherd[] with the ‘smell of the sheep’”. I am not a client of the Bishop. I am in his flock.
There is anonymous someone who regularly posts comments here whose opinions aren’t exactly Christian/loving. Someone who works at the chancery? Anonymous, is your last name Dudzinski? Are you in love with someone who is? Because it’s typical VG behavior to be incapable of compassion – as displayed in your comments.
And if you are the VG, the bishop, or someone close to them, I’m practically begging you: quit. If you aren’t, encourage them to step down or resign. Fr. Ted Dudzinski has done an audacious amount of damage to God’s Church. We all know it, it’s clear. Shepherd? Ha! Catholicism in the state of Indiana would have been much better had the Dudzinski name never had the title Fr. before it. All three of them are terrors.
Does diversity of thought and ideas frighten you that much? Do facts matter? Why get nasty when someone presents a differing view point or posts a link to the source document with the facts? I prefer to come on here and other places to hear and see all viewpoints and data about my church and to then make an educated facts-based decision.
Anon at January 27, 2023 at 7:49 am: Since I am active in this thread, we are new parishoners of SMG in Westfield (we moved recently). I’ve not gotten to know Fr. Brian Dudzinski personally, but before we moved he gave an orthodox homily about the Catholic Church’s position on abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court case. He got negative feedback; the first homily he gave after we moved was to double-down and ensure the parish was taught the Truth in the face of that criticism. That is courage and shows he undertands why St. Jospeh was the Terror of Demons.
Regardless of where one sits or how one feels about all this, let’s not neglect to keep praying for our Church. The Church is divinely instituted, but full of frail humans–each of us prey to our own weaknesses and worse. We are not going to fix ourselves or any crisis unless we abandon ourselves to God, many times a day if needed. If our shepherds are struggling, pray all the more for their purification & strength.
It seems from what I have heard that this two day meeting of all priests is genuine concern by the Bishop for all the work Fr. Dudzinski has pushed out to the parishes. This includes Uniting in Heart, clustered parishes, new roving consultants, Rhelm, Ministry Platform, policies, quarterly gatherings, accounting, expensive diocese run IT, merging of parish business offices, $10,000 annual charges, Catholic Ministry Appeal, capital campaign, and on and on. Since many of these projects are flopping it has become more work and an embarrassment. I’ve heard the ministry platform rollout is a disaster just as rhelm was and has again been delayed. The merging of business offices is going poorly too as the pastors see they are paying more and getting less. So now they want to reconsider and are voicing strong opposition. They even stopped the accounting project for the combined business office because they could not handle the work. Combine this with fewer priests, fewer people in the pews and less money in the collection baskets and you have a real disaster. Hopefully its not too late to fix and this two day meeting brought forth some better ideas. I pray so!
So this is hearsay & speculation? Why are you anonymous?
Were you there?
If this is true, please provide first hand information.
You must be clairvoyant, poster. Unexpectedly, Thursday’s meeting at the retreat center was all about how Fr. Ted Dudzinski and his planning department are overloading our parishes with work, training and requests; much of it unnecessary and unproductive even in the spirit of Uniting in Heart – all of this has continued to erode trust. The facilitator came into the Thursday session with an agenda but all the priests put their feet down and politely changed the day into a review of trust issues, building a strong culture and the burdens all these needless tasks, meetings, systems, reports and requests are placing on not just the priests but all the parish staff too. So it was a very good Thursday session thanks to the intervention of the priests to change the plans for the day. Fr. Dudzinski was not thrilled with the feedback, took time to respond to the numerous complaints and ideas but was clearly agitated. Now the proof in the pudding will be if the bishop steps in to take corrective action. Personally I think the only way to improve trust and get us headed in the right direction is for Fr. Dudzinski to step aside or for the bishop to remove him. Let’s see what happens in the coming days and weeks.
How long has Father Ted Dudzinski been VG?
Ever since Monsignor Sell move to the Anderson parishes.
Was that a promotion or demotion from VG to the parish cluster in Anderson?
I know some parishes are promotions and demotions for priests and such.
Far too long
Answers on how the priest’s protest of last week are being received are coming out and it fell on deaf ears. Just yesterday my parish got a letter from Father Ted Dudzinski announcing that we will have to standardize on the technology that he and his high paid Indianapolis consultant, Resultant, tells us to use. He promises new capabilities but says he can’t yet tell us the cost. For sure it will be a lot of dollars we don’t have to spare. As for capabilities, I doubt it given how badly his realm and ministry platform projects have gone. I’m really at a loss as to how he keeps making such bad and expensive decisions. Remember the retreat center, united in heart, central Lafayette business office and other boondoggles? It keeps stacking up and pains me greatly as I just told them on my Catholic Ministry Appeal pledge card. Money for nothing! “Now that ain’t workin’, that’s the way you do it, Lemme tell ya, them guys ain’t dumb, Huh, now look at them yo-yos, that’s the way you do it, Get your money for nothin’, get your…….., Easy, easy money for nothin’ (I want my, I want my), That ain’t workin’
I read that the Seattle diocese is using Partners Edge to whittle down their parishes. More disaster for the laity. SOME Bishops are paying good money to watch their dioceses die. Think of the money, our money, that is being wasted. Think of the companies and executives getting rich because the bishops can’t work with their priests to save the Church. And think of the blindness of our own Bishop when he sees dwindling Church participation and the refusal of people to give to the CMA. His refusal to listen to his priests and the laity is truly amazing. In the end, he will be called to account for much.
I don’t get it. Put a Vocations Director in there who will go to parishes and talk to men about vocations. Bishops need to make pastoral vists to their parishes as well… not just only for Confirmations. It’s like a lot of these Bishops either seem like CEOs or just micromanage their Dioceses.
Clustering parishes and all this nonsense is not helping.
I read that the Diocese of Peoria is doing something similar as well called Growing Disciples.
Face it. Our diocese is owned by a secular non-profit. When the bishop did that deal with Lily, it was all over. Either do what the deal tells you to do or suffer a massive breach of contract with all its legal and financial ramifications. The bishop and Father Ted are really just puppets at this point and the strings are held by Lily. That’s probably the main reason why they are so inflexible (along with suffering catastrophically low levels of compassion) when it comes to priest complaints: The deal won’t let them deviate even if they wanted to. So now we are at the mercy of parasitic consultants and an ineffectual and heartless leadership. Pray for all these silly people. Then pray for and reach out to our parish priests who are bludgeoned with Holy Obedience when they’re not being ignored, belittled, and maligned by the same men who fashioned Holy Obedience into a bludgeon in the first place.
Our parish priests need our love and support.
Come, Lord Jesus!
Yes, when the only card the Bishop has to play- repeatedly and repeatedly and repeatedly- is Obedience, something is amiss. If you have to play that card all the time, you know trust is gone and something is amiss.
The grant was from the Lilly Endowment. The Endowment is the Lilly family’s philanthropy, and provides millions of dollars in grants to various entities around the country. It has no connection with Eli Lilly and Company, the bio pharmaceutical company based in Indianapolis. The Lilly Foundation is the company’s philanthropic entity. There is often confusion about these entities.
The Lily Endowment IS funded in large part from Stock in Eli Lily Pharmaceuticals. Also issued grant to PP. Check the website. Recent Grantees are listed alphabetically. Interesting find sad, but we can be grateful that at least the funds granted to UIH did not go to PP! So, there’s that. LHM. JMJ
Well, there is a connection. The money to fund the Lilly Foundation came from the “excess” profits the Lilly family earned from the success of Eli Lilly & Company. Someone should do an analysis of the religious makeup of the staff of the Lilly Endowment that issues grants to “improve the vitality of congregations.” Quote is taken from the Lilly Endowment website. I doubt the $500,000 Lilly Endowment grant to the Diocese resulted in much of an improvement over the plan laid out by Jesus Christ, the Apostles and the Church Fathers.
Again this blogger knows nothing about the facts of the Lilly grant. The grant, the application, and the status reports are all public. It is too bad that this blogger is trying to create some wild conspiracy theory about two solid and good organizations.
Dividends from Lilly stock do help fund the Endowment. Again, the Endowment is the Lilly family’s charitable foundation, and therefore is completely separate from the company.
A secular organization that is solid and good (for the world’s values) does not guarantee it is solid and good for the Catholic Church, which is not supposed to be of the world. Someone of Authority once said, “You can not love both God and mammon.”
I happened upon a video the Bishop made about this meeting. In it he said he thinks we have no vocations because young men see the work load of the priests and are scared away by it. Yes, he might be right. They see what Uniting in Heart has done to this diocese because the increased workload comes from this fiasco of a plan. They see how priests are being treated by the bishop and VG. I think there is another reason, however, that there vocations have dropped ever since Fr. Hasser was taken out of active ministry and the vocations office. It’s the men at the top. I know that in the days of Bishop High, seminarians enjoyed their relationship with him. One told me that Bishop High treated them like sons. Bishop High enjoyed being around the seminarians. I wonder if this sort of thing exists now. I heard from a priest that he talked to Bishop Doherty only on his ordination day. Treatment by the VG didn’t fall in the “brotherly” category. It would be interesting to know if there is an ongoing relationship with the present bishop. Are the seminarians and priests treated as sons? Might that be the real problem? To say that the young men are afraid of parish/priestly work is quite an insult to them. Yes, the priesthood today is akin to firemen running towards a burning building. But good bishops inspire heroism in young men. I don’t see anything inspiring coming from Lingle Avenue. Nothing. And please don’t insult the laity by saying Uniting in Heart is saving the day. We know it’s been a disaster. Please don’t blame us. Failure usually starts at the top.
In this video, which you can watch on YouTube or Twitter or the diocesan website, the bishop says that liturgy isn’t very good if the priest is celebrating Mass for only 30 people. Not the full, reverent, energy. Really? This is just plain awful. This video is very instructive. It’s tells a lot about the man in charge.
Jesus celebrated for only 12.
If a priest celebrates Holy Mass privately on his day off, it is just him and Jesus with the angels and saints.
I don’t get his comment with it’s not a good thing for a Holy Mass with only 30 people. Odd…
This. All of this.
“A hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters them. This is because he works for pay and has no concern for the sheep.” – John 10:12-13
Welcome to the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana…
This is very insightful and likely “spot-on”. The bishop doesn’t seem to have a good relationship with anyone. He seems to view priests as “widgets” – using them up until they become non-productive and then does everything he can to minimize his financial responsibility. Very much like an abusive/absent father.
Good Heavens…. I just watched that video. So many things wrong with it. I don’t think our Bishop has any idea how to be a Father. We won’t get any vocations until he decides to treat his priests like human beings….
So sorry to hear Father Hasser was taken out of ministry. Shocked me.
If a bishop doesn’t care for his priests, morale among the clergy will be horrible. Maybe these priests can switch dioceses?
Taken out for inappropriate relationships and violations of his code of conduct and vows
Regarding the “statement” that someone posted “from the bishop” regarding Fr. Hasser, note that the statement is published on an attorney’s website. That attorney represented the complainant, and doubtless drafted the statement himself. The Bishop was likely required to sign the statement as part of a settlement agreement with the diocese. Fr. Hasser may or may not have been allowed to participate in those settlement negotiations (I suspect the latter). Plaintiffs’ attorneys will frequently post such “success stories” on their websites as part of a marketing campaign to increase business (think of the billboard attorneys: “over one billion dollars recovered!!”). I make no assertions on the merits of the complaint or the character of the complainant or her attorney. I don’t know the particulars. But I know it is important to know the proper context of these types of statements, presume innocence, wish the best for all involved in the situation, and PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS.
That was back in 2019! The impression is that there has been a more recent development.
So Mr. Hasser’s abuses of a woman and staff member happened 3 to 4 years ago. Still very relevant, was the reason he is no longer a priest and is the reason I would not want him ministering in my parish. As we all know now, Fr. Walters left on his own for very similar reasons. So the point is stop blaming the bishop for the priest losses. It seems for the past 8 to 10 years they have all left due to retirement, death or some violation of their priestly vows.
This refers in part to the comment below as well. So we have had priests leave for boundary violations. However, 1 private or corporal has problems, individual problem. Several have problems, it is likely a Captain or Colonel problem. The modern priest is worked hard, isolated, and in this diocese curtailed liturgically. No, I don’t even mean the TLM. I mean the diocese is micromanaged like a business. I believe in the grace of state for every vocation, but ask yourself if priests fulfilled in their vocations are drawn into comfort or relationships with women? No.
Overworked priests who are not supported by their spiritual father, priests who are treated as lawsuit prone widgets, these are much more likely to seeks comfort in companionship.
The paradox is that a priest following in the bloody footsteps of Christ living a deep sacramental prayer life, literally working himself to an early grave, is less likely to be dejected and tempted to leave than a priest who is a disposable widget for DOL incorporated who is not only trying to save his own soul and those of his flock…but also worried about running afoul of central management
Doc what kind of alternative universe are you living in? Your theory of passing blame away from the priest is almost as bad a victim blaming or let’s take it to another level of insanity and blame their parents. I know it is popular among American youth to not take responsibility for actions but the fact remains that the priest(s) are to blame for their bad, sinful and immoral actions and no one else. They chose to abuse and because of that removed themselves from ministry. NOUGH SAID!
Of course individuals are ultimately responsible for though own actions, but that doesn’t mean outside influences don’t sometimes heavily factor in to that decision making process. Do you think it is a coincidence that that boys without a father grow up with much higher risks of substance abuse, suicide, divorce, domestic abuse etc…? Does that excuse individuals? Of course not, but that correlation still undoubtedly exists.
For a priest, within his vocation, his spiritual father is his bishop. When that bishop is adversarial instead of fatherly to his priests, they are missing something important for their vocation. They can’t even count on living in communion with their brother priests for long because of being moved. They can’t establish and maintain relationships with the laity either. It is no wonder so many priests in this diocese are unhappy. This is unhealthy just from a sociological aspect, without even getting into the vocational aspect.
Our, and my, bishop is not “adversarial instead of fatherly to his priests” and I say that from first hand experience. He has always been very helpful, humble and caring with me and the others I know who depend on his spiritual and positional role as our leader. He continues to impart his wisdom and priestly love to me and I truly feel it. God is my Father and the bishop helps me grow closer to God and to minister such that others can likewise grow closer to God through Christ. I don’t agree with all his positions and ideas but I don’t know any person on this planet that I or anyone agrees with all the time. As the leader of our diocese he has to sometimes make tough calls and from what I’ve seen he has always been fair, non-judgemental and thorough and put the needs of the Church and her priests first.
It is wonderful that you feel that way. It sounds like you are in the minority. If by fair and non-judgmental, you mean liability driven, I think we could agree on something.
The Pew Report that came out a few months ago would say something else about how priests feel about their Bishops. Good for you that he’s been good to you. That’s not the experience of many of his sons.
January 22, 2023 at 2:02 pm
Reply to ” Doc what kind of alternative universe are you living in?
So…… What does a bishop do? What does a coach or any leader do? They set the tone and policy. They lead and accept responsibility for running the affair. A bishop in addition to the others is a spiritual father to both laity and clergy.
Whenever I hear “blaming the victim”, I think has this matter been duly adjudicated?” I for one do not always assume the complainant to be fully justified. I would love to have more details in all the cases.
Butwhat have we in the latest accounts.. to my knowledge ( correct me if I am wrong).. from what is available… boundary violations without violation of vow to celibacy and telling an unstable person to fast.
OK, I have read all of Paul Likuodos’s “AmChurch Comes Out” which details much worse actually physically violent abuse and the systemic coverup and promotion of sodomitic abuse by bishops. So, perhaps my threshold for what constitutes abuses has been set higher. too high perhaps
All this being the case, unless a man has titanic and heroic faith. he would be a complete idiot to want to be a priest with a distant micromanager as a boss and a laity at once demanding and also ready to accuse him …. for things like telling them to fast. He would have to be a saint
If we keep this up, we shall receive ( probably as just punishment for our sins) a famine of the sacraments. A shortage of priests.
Several priests retired earlier due to the debacle of UIH. Some said as much from the pulpit before retiring. Which correlation does not prove causation, if the ship goes south on your watch it is reasonable to think that you the captain are a substantial part of the problem.
The first casualty I think was Weldon?….overworked in Muncie I think ( where it seems vocations go to die).. repeatedly asking for help…………………….not getting any…….
and now he is married.. happily I hope.
Now you might say we do not know all the details.
Perhaps. But if we do not than how can we be sure of the justice of it all? in each case?
Yes , any sacrament provides sufficient graces to fulfill the duties, but if you keep pushing them to the limits….expect more failures.
On Weldon you are so off the mark. Anyone who was in Muncie at the time knows that Weldon’s rectory was known as “the love shack.” That should give all the details you need.
I’m appreciative of what Red Wolf does here. Seems that ought to be said again, even though others have said as much. I’d like to add my thanks. The charitable tone set by the author and yet commitment to truth comes through and is very much appreciated.
Noell Says:
“Wait! The priests are NOT PERMITTED to bring their phones into the meeting room?!? What more is the bishop and his lieutenant hiding from us? #disrespect #deception”
Your surprise about priests not being permitted to bring their phones into the meeting room is refreshing. That means you are relatively new here. It would do you well to go back to the first posts on this blog and read from the beginning. Buckle up though, you are in for long and bumpy ride.
For those of us who found this blog early on, we already know that this practice of not allowing phones has been the rule in this diocese from before UiH was even implemented. It would be surprising to us if we heard that priests WERE allowed to bring in their cell phones. Not only will priests have to surrender there cell phones, but they will be bound by obedience to not discuss what actually is discussed in the meeting. There is a strong likelihood that some of the priests will actually be frisked by law enforcement before even being allowed to enter (this is not a joke).
If you do go back and read the first posts from this blog you will possibly think it was prophetic, especially after the priests return from Tipton and over the next several weeks we start hearing the results and find out…
1. Which Priests are being moved
2. Which Masses are being removed from which parishes
3. Which parish(es) in your pastorate are being shut-down (take a look at which parish gave the least to the fruitful taxation plan and this will probably be the one)
However, none of this is prophecy. This was always the plan from the beginning. From before UiH was even announced to us lay people. This same plan under different but similar names has rolled out in several other diocese around the country in the last 10 years (this is all detailed in great detail and with links in early posts). These plans are the brain children of a handful of liberal people with backgrounds in business and they are all about decline management of large corporations (not how to run the Bride of Christ).
Our bishop may tell us in his many columns and posts and bulletin inserts that this Tipton meeting is about dialog and figuring out what to do about the priestly shortage, but in reality, this is just lip service so that after he announces the movements and cancellations, he can say this was the result of meetings guided by the holy spirit, with input received by the priests and lay people (just like they said before the rollout of UiH). But in reality, the decisions have already been made. They don’t want the priests or the lay peoples input, they just want us to think that.
Everything this plan has been about is dealing with the fact that we have a priestly shortage. This much is true. However, our bishop is treating this problem as if it is unsolvable and requires a plan to deal with this fact and the fact that it will only get worse. Therefore, shutting down parishes and shrinking the diocese is the only fix. However, this does not have to be case. We could solve this problem by not assuming we are going to have less vocations and therefore less priests in the future. We can solve the problem by figuring out why we have less vocations and actually fixing it, and getting new priests, and EXPANDING our diocese. How does one do this you might ask? It is easier than you might think.
1. Look at the parishes that have thrived over the last 20 years, produced the most sacraments, vocations, seminarians, and priests.
2. Interview the priests that have been at those diocese for the last 20 years and ask them how they have been so successful.
Now you may be thinking, but that must be a ton of priests to have to interview because the bishop moves priests so often. Fun fact…the parishes that have thrived and produced the most priests had the same pastor for the last 20 years before UiH (exs. Boniface, OLMC).
3. Listen to the advice of those pastors and follow the same model as those parishes in all the parishes of diocese.
Instead of following those steps, we have gone in the opposite direction. We move almost every priest every couple of years. It seems to me this is because our bishop considers his priests sacrament dispensers at their parishes, and he considers any meaningful relationship between a priest and his parishioners a liability. These relationships are crucial for a successful parish, they are what drive the lay people to become involved and give to their parish. It helps young men discern their vocations and become priests. If our diocese continues to use liability as the driving force of our decision making process, we will continue to lose priests, and vocations will continue to dry up.
Wake up Bishop Doherty. You CAN fix this, instead of trying to MANAGE this. Listen to the holy spirit and not the negative people that have surrounded you.
Well, we can only hope they move the other Doerr out of Seton! What a disaster he has been replacing Father Rothrock. Their weekend Mass attendance is half of what it was before he took over.
His arrogance and lack of respect for Rothrock blatant and frankly childish. His inability to keep staff is troubling and his disrespect for what he calls “Baby Boomers” is pathetic. This is Seton’s spiritual leader.
No wonder they have lost 9-10 full-time staff in a year. He loves his 20 year old males. Hopefully the Bishop sees Doerr is over his head at Seton and is drowning.
Very typical Carmel reply. Rich manager types who wouldn’t follow God’s voice if the clouds parted and thunder struck them. Who needs God when you can buy anything you want? Spoiled old geezers they are. Which is why I encourage none of us to give this comment much credence.
Without Father Brian’s leadership SEAS would be like Holy Spirit at Geist and other parishes who may as well hang signs on their doors that read, “Any Millennials who attempt to get involved will be told ‘I’ve been doing this ministry for 27 years’ a minimum of 93 times until they go home a watch football instead like the rest.” I wish the bishop would realize it’s people like you who are driving vocations away. I’ve know too many young men who have considered priesthood but had (baby boomer) parents talk them out of it because, well, the world should apparently revolve around the rich managerial types, just like them.
Excellent job, Father Doerr. Illegitimi non carborundum.
I couldn’t agree more with Frank. The last thing our church needs is a bunch of 20 year old males hanging out with a priest who along with his brother over at OLMC are largely responsible for delivering all the young and rigid priests to our diocese over the years. Fortunately at our AMAZING parish, we don’t have a 20-something problem. In fact, we don’t have a 30-something problem, a 40-something problem, a 50-something problem or even a 60-something problem! We used to have some of our AMAZING parishioners bring an occasional grandchild to mass, but that ended during the pandemic when our AMAZING parish council declared that all people under 70 must sit triple-masked in the AMAZING cry room where our Marty Haugen mix-tape plays continuously.
Buckle up folks. I think this recently released book is going to further rock the church, and candidly I think our diocese may not be free from some of the issues noted. As always, pray for our clergy.
Nothing new here. For decades now the ranks of the “faithful” have increasingly included fewer and fewer members of the clergy. We are in the midst of the Arianism of our time. God help us all.
Catholic PSA: Calumny is a mortal sin.
Someone forwarded this post to me- & after commenting I will immediately block this site.
It purports to be for the Catholic Faithful. But after reading this one post & comments it became clear that Red Wolf (an unidentified person?) appears to be:
1. Seeking journalistic sensationalism (National Enquirer style) or
2. Is an untrustworthy infiltrator (hiding behind anonymity) or
3. Inspired by the Prince Harry/Meghan Markle duo (to throw the firm/family under the bus but not relinquish their titles)
I’ve been a healthcare practitioner long enough to know there’s no pleasing some people-ever.
I’ve been Catholic long enough to see the attrition of priests, a decrease in Catholics (& Christians, in general), & our country’s decline in conservative values.
My takeaway with Uniting in Heart, was that it was to get ahead of the known impending decline in priests.
As a result, my family has stepped up our involvement- both physically & financially. We want our retired priests to be cared for, we pray for new vocations, we support pro-life ministries & centers- all the Catholic things stemming from our parish/pastorate.
We will continue to pray for all priests & all Catholics of this diocese & throughout the world.
As noted, I will not return to this site as I cannot see how it faithfully builds up our diocese or the kingdom of God.
Healthcare practitioner, when you have pastors and priests themselves in distress over leadership in Lafayette, which is a passive-aggressive version of the destruction going on in Chicago under Cupich. It’s one thing to be a ne’er-do well. It’s worse to be a pollyanna remaining unflinchingly wantonly PRIDEFULLY ignorant of truth. Years of anything means nothing if you’ve been wrong about some things for many years. That was an amazingly prideful, insulting thing to say to people who deeply love the Church. Again, note it’s the clergy whose morale is being destroyed by the chancery, in their own words when they can speak up without fear of retribution. But remain with your head buried if you want, it’s up to you. You’re amazing.
Historically priests have always bumped heads with their Bishop in our diocese and in dioceses around the world. Nothing new here except we now have social media as a vehicle they can use. Overworked? Come on get real. We all work a lot and have inside and outside stresses. Many priests are immature little boys who the Church and parishioners have pampered, paid for everything, and treat like Gods. Trends – faith including the Catholic faith and vocations are declining around the world. This is the work of the evil one not our Bishop who I find to be very humble, caring and likeable. At least he is trying something and not sitting on his hands.
I don’t do bandwagons so I may not be a good fit here in the anti-Lafayette Amen! corner but two things: 1.) I don’t think leadership out of Lafayette is good based on what I see in Indiana’s other four dioceses. 2.) Lafayette-based hostility to young priests’ ambitions for more tradition in liturgy and Catholic life is palpable, regrettable, and morale-destroying. 3.) UiH isn’t the world’s worst idea but it involves pulling an awful lot of levers at once in a small diocese with staffing which took a sudden nosedive. 4.) For laity, trying to grasp UiH is a huge, wordy, utterly incoherent word salad top heavy with a secular feels composed by out of touch MBA’s (kind of a definition of MBA’s in general in my experience). 5.) Priests temporarily out of service have, by and large, been given a taint, intentional or not, which is terribly unfair and the bishop needs to show more affectionate PUBLIC support for at least some of these priests.
What’s the deal with Father Hasser and Arbuckle?
The priests out of service or who left have either 1) been found guilty of violating rules of conduct concerning relationships with adults or children and 2) have been accused of violating rules of conduct concerning relationships with adults or children and after an initial investigation showing probable credibility were taken out of service while a more detailed investigation or removal process is undertaken. Pretty simple and very justified.
Sounds like a statement crafted by the diocese!
Wonder what chancery employee wrote this?
Most liberals are caring and likable…but humble? Not so sure.
I didn’t find the Bishop caring or likable when, after a group of people spent an hour praying rosaries and singing hymns in his driveway, he refused to answer knocks on his door…reportedly because he was “scared” of them!
Again I ask, if one wanted to destroy this diocese, what would have been done differently?
I’m stumped. These guys thought of things I never even thought of…
Once again, THANK YOU RED WOLF for summarizing the desperate situation of this diocese. What happens the next days at the clergy gathering in Tipton will affect the whole diocese for good or bad for many years to come.
Fathers! We’re praying for you all. Be stout hearted and courageous. Enough destruction.
Such a hard time for our priests. Tonight we learned from our pastor (who implored us for prayers) that just as at the roll out of UiH, the priests this week are prohibited AGAIN from bringing their phones into the meeting room.
So much for transparency. So much for the bishop respecting his priests. The bishop can’t afford for all of us to learn the true story of what happens this week as we will read later in the Catholic Moment how marvelous and unified everything was.
We see through the hypocrisy because priests trust their flocks and share with them. Our pastor does. No doubt the proceedings will be recorded even though our priests are treated like bad children who have their phones taken away.
What a disrespectful way to begin clergy days that are supposed to unite our priests. But none of the priests are fooled. Neither are we the people!
Wait! The priests are NOT PERMITTED to bring their phones into the meeting room?!? What more is the bishop and his lieutenant hiding from us? #disrespect #deception
I guess I’d like to think grown men can handle their cell phones maturely so that goes to a mindset which, writ large, tells us about diocesan leadership, and it’s not good. Read this Zuhlsdorf article especially noting the quote about young seminarians, most of whom we know were inspired by Benedict XVI. Have you met or know of one yet who became a seminarian inspired by Francis? These young guys are on fire for Christ and our young priests here are similarly fully alive for love of Christ. I’m guessing they are the most aggreived and have to be reminded by failing, now obsolete baby boomer leaders (you know, the generation that tried to ruin the Church) as to their view of obedience. I’ll bet that’s a topic at the fire sale meeting in Tipton. But the question is: Are young priests bound to obey an immoral order or set of orders? Forget synodalty, what constitutes a right notion of obedience is the question that actually matters. All the way up to the papacy. It should result in an end to the untramontaines.
So if they also take away their car keys and lock the doors from the inside, can we call the cops about a potential hostage-situation going on?
Common business practice to ban phones, any recording devices from meetings, and also issuing numbered packets, etc. inmeetings regarding business-specific approaches, goals, etc. Has everything to do with protecting proprietary information, also evidence of lack of trust in those in attendance to keep matters confidential. A bit ironic, wouldn’t you say, considering the measure of confidentiality to which priests are bound by the Seal of Confession!
To the phone/tablet/laptop issue though: Consider that these devices have phenomenal abilities for transferring content worldwide within seconds, even when “turned off or out of service/not using app”, so, this ban is not problematic for me. (Also why there ought to be such a ban in Confessionals imho.)
Ya, as much as I hate the “optics” of the cell phone confiscation, this is a valid point.
Trying to find a reverent Catholic Mass or acquire resources to grow personally and encourage your church to worship with reverence?
Reverent Catholic Mass will help you:
Locate Catholic churches near you that offer Mass with reverence.
Get inspired to work on your own spiritual life. Because you can’t give what you don’t have.
Discover ways to encourage more reverent church worship and pious devotions at your parish.
Tactfully motivate others to join the effort to reinvigorate your parish.We believe that with the right resources, every Catholic can join a supportive, reverent Mass community.
I appreciate the sentiment and I’ve been there before. I think that attempts to increase the reverence in the new Mass are indubitably laudable, but at the end of the day, it is still the new Mass and objectively inferior to the old one.
UiH is a corporate reorganization. While churches are also businesses, because they attend to life and death matters daily, they cannot fully run as businesses do. Pastors of parishes need to be able to make decisions based on their knowledge of their parishioners; the bishop needs to allow this. We are not a one size fits all family.
Maybe if he stopped canceling priests he wouldn’t have such a shortage. First it was Fr Rothrock, now it’s Fr. James De Oreo and Fr. Matthew Arbuckle. It’s OK to investigate things and then once the investigation is done and you find nothing it’s time to reinstate.
Anyone know the latest on those priests? I am sickened. And what is the full list of priests out of action. I know Father Paternoster and Father Roberts of blessed memory? Who else?
There was a 12/22 update regarding Fr. DeOreo’s status at the link below. It looks like he’s having to wait until March for court date.
What’s happened with Father Arbuckle?
Bring back the Mass of the Ages to our diocese, and you will see growth again. Continue to not offer it in this diocese, and you will continue to see its decline. Growth will come from a return to tradition. The rotting fruits of the second Vatican Council could not be more evident than what we are seeing play out right here in our own DOL-IN. Virgo Potens, ora pro nobis.
I’m all for the Latin Mass whenever and wherever the faithful want it but it’s well past time to think its “the answer.” Eastern Catholics think their Mass is the “Mass of the Ages,” theirs is intact, and they are rapidly fading. You have a bunch of young priests on fire for Christ, who want the smells, bells, ad orientem and more, threatened with cancellation for those things and preaching the True faith.
No offense, but it sounds like you don’t have a deep understanding of the differences between the TLM and the Novus Ordo mass.
Offense intended, because comments like that are why the Bishop will continue to win and we will lose.
That made me chuckle, no offense taken. I was board member of Una Voce and have studied the Traditional Latin Mass for 30+ years beginning with Rev James P Wathen’s “The Great Sacrilege” and time spent around Gary Giuffre’s sedevacantist camp, among others. Been to St John Cantius with a journalist friend from Inside the Vatican and been in every known circular firing squad after Mass to run off Novus Ordo Catholics with an interest in several area masses of the 1962 Missal. In spite of being a big fan of Fr John Zughlsdforgf, I’m all about reform of the reform, though, and time spent reading both editions of “The Spirit of the Liturgy” (Guardini and Ratzinger) and gaining a fuller understanding of liturgy from eastern Catholicism is time well spent.
Gary Giuffre’s work has produced quite some theories of the current state of affairs, and seems to back up his claims with sound references. To the author of this post which I’m replying, what is your current opinion of Gary Giuffre’s stance? Also, with Siri now deceased, does he claim the seat is vacant or still impeded with an underground pope that replaced Siri? He’s supposedly coming out with a book this year, but I’d imagine it’s just a detailed writing of what he’s already noted in articles and interviews produced to date. Either way, one can’t help but see the Fatima warnings coming to fruition with Russia being used as God’s instrument of a great chastisement. Virgo Potens, ora pro nobis!
Oh gosh, I’ve slept since then. Last I heard was an idea that since cdl Siri’s passing the chair remains vacant and this poses no real problem awaiting a valid pope for most of the sedevacantist community. Gary had just come of a falling out with Mel Gibson at that time–never did figure out what that was about. But I followed Fr Zuhlsdorf’s recommendation and decided ultimately not to debate and I just walked away. I think at that time there were some 12-14 claimants to the Chair of Peter though Giuffre didn’t give credencee to any of them. Mary, ora pro nobis.
In one of his YouTube interviews on The Siri Project channel, Giuffre mentioned that Pope Pius XII, during WWII, gave instructions that if something were to happen to him and the Vatican overtaken, to set up in Quebec and name a successor. This was before the ‘58 conclave of course, but Giuffre didn’t mention anything else about it and if/how it may have had relevance to Siri’s alleged papacy and/or his successor. It begs the question of whether the seat has been vacant since Siri’s untimely death, or if it’s filled but still impeded.
Relatedly, can you imagine any pre-Second Vatican Council pope encouraging participation in the recently opened Abrahemic family House?
Challenging times all around.
AMEN! Praying to the Holy Ghost that eyes will be opened to the TLM. The bishop needs to NOT follow the popes latest anti-TLM decree and bring the well-formed FSSP and the ICKSP to the Lafayette Diocese. These orders of priests will definitely grow parishes and be an example to the entire diocese to how the traditions and our roots of holy mother church have never left us.
Never going to happen under the current regime (which still has another three or so years to go). You want the TLM? Move to any other Indiana diocese. They all have them, except Lafayette. Don’t waste your time here. If Lafayette’s next bishop is tradition-friendly and loves his priests, there may yet be some hope that the Lafayette diocese will no longer be a desert that people have to drive through to get to a TLM.
The bishops call ALL of the shots, yet nothing is ever their fault. He had multiple opportunities to take a step back and get better advice. Yet, his authority as bishop is more important. It was more important to rip long time pastors from vibrant parishes because the bishop doesn’t like long-term pastors. How many parishioners can say their parish and personal faith are stronger as a result of UIH? And there are no consequences for the bishop. He just extorts money from the parishes at will. It seems silly to me to “pray” for the success of these campaigns as they ALWAYS get their money through extortion. Why don’t they just do away with the campaign all together and implement a cathedral tax. It is much more honest. The bishops operate so much like organized crime.
I would love to start an online spiritual bouquet for our priests but I do not have the skills to pull it off. Anybody out there able to take this and run with it? I think it would help for them to see how many of us are praying for them each day.
I would love to start an online spiritual bouquet for our priests but I do not have the skills to pull it off. Anybody out there able to take this and run with it? I think it would help for them to see how many of us are praying for them each day.